
From Arks-Visiphone
Revision as of 14:49, 12 July 2020 by Ratmut (talk | contribs)
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Urgent Quests


Area Name Objective
UIMapTunnels.png Giant Automata: The Awakening Destroy the Big Varder!
UIMapFloating.png The Grudge of Rampaging Dragons Get to the final area!
UIMapCoast.png The Dead Sea Where Dragons Gather Defeat the enemies and collect Quest Points!
UIMapVegas.png Virtual Planet Battle Training Collect Quest Points!
UIMapForest.png Gone With the Rain and Wind 2020 Collect Quest Points!
UIMapCity.png Chaos, Render of Tranquility Defeat the enemies and collect Quest Points!
UIMapFalspawnDen.png Cradle of Darkness Get to the final area!
UIMapMothership.png Drawn to Darkness Get to the final area!
UIMapDaybreakCitadel.png The Manifested Planetbreaker Defeat the Harbinger of Calamity!
UIMapDaybreakSeal.png The Chant to Cleanse the Calamity

Dark Falz

Area Name Objective
UIMapShipwreck.png The Raging Obsidian Arm Destroy the Falz Arm!
UIMapShipwreck.png Elder of the Unfathomable Abyss Defeat Elder the Gargantuan
UIMapMothership.png The Cunning Black Winged Vanguard Destroy Apost Doriosu!
UIMapMothership.png The False Champion: Luther the Fallen Defeat Luther the Fallen
UIMapLandingCraft.png Barren Blossom, Destroyer of All The Defeat of Profound Darkness

Mining Base

Area Name Objective
UIMapMiningBase.png Mining Base Defense Operations: Incursion Defend the Mining Base!
UIMapMiningBase.png Mining Base Defense Operations: Despair Defend the Mining Base!


Area Name Requirement Objective
UIMapForest.png Forest Exploration Available from the start. Get to the final area!
UIMapVolcanic.png Volcanic Caves Exploration Complete Forest Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapDesert.png Desert Exploration Complete Volcanic Caves Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapTundra.png Tundra Exploration Complete Desert Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapTunnels.png Underground Shafts Exploration Complete Tundra Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapFloating.png Floating Continent Exploration Complete Underground Shafts Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapRuins.png Ruins Exploration Complete Floating Continent Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapDragon.png Dragon Atlar Exploration Complete Floating Continent Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapCoast.png Coast Exploration Complete Volcanic Caves Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapMine.png Abandoned Mine Exploration Complete Coast Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapSeabed.png Seabed Exploration Complete Abandoned Mine Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapDaybreak.png Daybreak Province Exploration Complete Coast Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapFacility.png Floating Facility Exploration Complete Daybreak Province Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapNightfall.png Nightfall Province Exploration Complete Floating Facility Exploration Collect Quest Points!

ARKS Quests

Area Name Requirement Objective
UIMapForest.png Suppress Za'udan Complete Story Quest An Encounter with Xion Suppress the Za'udans!
UIMapForest.png Suppress Phongrulf Complete Story Quest An Encounter with Xion Suppress the Phongrulfs!
UIMapForest.png Dagan Eradication Mission: Forest Complete Story Quest An Encounter with Xion Defeat Dagans to obtain Quest Points!
UIMapForest.png Nav Rappy Capture Mission Complete Story Quest An Encounter with Xion Knock out the Nav Rappies and gather data!
UIMapVolcanic.png Draconian Ecology Survey Complete Forest Exploration Defeat Draconians to obtain Quest Points!
UIMapVolcanic.png Carthago Eradication Complete Forest Exploration Eradicate the Carthagos!
UIMapVolcanic.png Suppress Catredran Complete Forest Exploration Suppress the Catredrans!
UIMapDesert.png Automata Survey: Desert Complete Volcanic Caves Exploration Defeat automata to obtain Quest Points!
UIMapDesert.png Transport Precious Resources: Desert Complete Volcanic Caves Exploration Recover the precious minerals!
UIMapDesert.png Rare Ore Excavation Mission Complete Volcanic Caves Exploration Excavate the ore!
UIMapTundra.png Tundra Region Survey Complete Desert Exploration Defeat sylvants to obtain Quest Points!
UIMapTundra.png ARKS Search Mission: Tundra Complete Desert Exploration Search for the missing ARKS unit!
UIMapTundra.png De Marmoth Subjugation Complete Desert Exploration Subjugate the De Marmoths!
UIMapTunnels.png Automata Survey: Underground Shafts Complete Tundra Exploration Defeat automata to obtain Quest Points!
UIMapTunnels.png Distress Signal Investigation Complete Tundra Exploration Rescue everyone in distress!
UIMapTunnels.png Destroy Giant Transforming Automata Complete Tundra Exploration Destroy the Tranmizers!
UIMapFloating.png Tainted Draconian Subjugation Complete Underground Shafts Exploration Defeat Draconians to obtain Quest Points!
UIMapFloating.png Floating Continent Sample Recovery Complete Underground Shafts Exploration Recover the special minerals!
UIMapFloating.png Suppress Catredransa Complete Underground Shafts Exploration Suppress the Catredransas!
UIMapRuins.png Ruins Encroachment Survey Complete Floating Continent Exploration Defeat Falspawn to collect Quest Points!
UIMapRuins.png Environment Contaminator Destruction Complete Floating Continent Exploration Destroy the Darkeim!
UIMapRuins.png Wolguarda Eradication Complete Floating Continent Exploration Eradicate the Wolguarda!
UIMapDragon.png Conquer the Dragon Altar Complete Floating Continent Exploration Defeat Draconians to obtain Quest Points!
UIMapDragon.png Suppress Sol Dirandahl Complete Floating Continent Exploration Suppress Sol Dirandahl
UIMapDragon.png Goron Zran Subjugation Complete Floating Continent Exploration Subjugate the Granzoran!
UIMapCoast.png Coastal Region Ecological Survey Complete Volcanic Caves Exploration Defeat the oceanids to obtain Quest Points!
UIMapCoast.png Environment Protection Mission: Coast Complete Volcanic Caves Exploration Exterminate the blitzblossom in the final area!
UIMapCoast.png Suppress Orgbran Complete Volcanic Caves Exploration Defeat Orgbran!
UIMapMine.png Automata Survey: Abandoned Mine Complete Coast Exploration Defeat automata to obtain Quest Points!
UIMapMine.png Defend the Lillipan Village Complete Coast Exploration Protect the village in the final area!
UIMapMine.png Destroy the Moving Fortress Automata Complete Coast Exploration Suppress Vardersoma!
UIMapSeabed.png Seabed Region Ecological Survey Complete Abandoned Mine Exploration Defeat the oceanids to obtain Quest Points!
UIMapSeabed.png Wopal Rescue Team Complete Abandoned Mine Exploration Rescue the Wopal natives!
UIMapSeabed.png Suppress Dekor Maryuda Complete Abandoned Mine Exploration Suppress Dekor Maryuda!
UIMapDaybreak.png Nightfaller Subjugation Mission Complete Seabed Exploration Defeat the enemies and collect Quest Points!
UIMapDaybreak.png Suppress Anjadeurili Complete Seabed Exploration Subdue Anjadeurili!
UIMapFacility.png Floating Facility Ecological Survey Complete Daybreak Province Exploration Defeat the enemies and collect Quest Points!
UIMapFacility.png Suppress Leomaduraad Complete Daybreak Province Exploration Suppress Leomaduraad!
UIMapNightfall.png Nightfaller General Survey Complete Floating Facility Exploration Defeat the enemies and collect Quest Points!
UIMapNightfall.png Suppress Kodotta Idihta Complete Floating Facility Exploration Suppress Kodotta Idihta!

Time Attack Quests

Area Name Requirement Objective
UIMapForest.png Running Maneuvers: Naverius I Complete Floating Continent Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapForest.png Running Maneuvers: Naverius II Complete Tundra Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapDesert.png Running Maneuvers: Lillipa Complete Tundra Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapFloating.png Running Maneuvers: Amduskia Complete Underground Shafts Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapDragon.png Breakthrough Maneuvers: Dragon Altar Complete Floating Continent Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapCoast.png Running Maneuvers: Wopal Complete Abandoned Mine Exploration Get to the final area!
UIMapNightfall.png Rush Practice: Harukotan Defeat all 100 enemies!

Advance Quests

Area Name Requirement Objective
UIMapForest.png Advance Directive: Forest Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule A
SH: 10 Advance Capsule D
Get to the final area!
UIMapVolcanic.png Advance Directive: Volcanic Caves Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule B
SH: 10 Advance Capsule E
Get to the final area!
UIMapDesert.png Advance Directive: Desert Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule C
SH: 10 Advance Capsule F
Get to the final area!
UIMapTunnels.png Advance Directive: Underground Shafts Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule A
SH: 10 Advance Capsule D
Get to the final area!
UIMapTundra.png Advance Directive: Tundra Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule B
SH: 10 Advance Capsule E
Get to the final area!
UIMapFloating.png Advance Directive: Floating Continent Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule C
SH: 10 Advance Capsule F
Get to the final area!
UIMapCity.png Advance Directive: City Area Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule A
SH: 10 Advance Capsule D
Get to the final area!
UIMapRuins.png Advance Directive: Ruins Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule B
SH: 10 Advance Capsule E
Get to the final area!
UIMapDragon.png Advance Directive: Dragon Altar Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule C
SH: 10 Advance Capsule F
Get to the final area!
UIMapCoast.png Advance Directive: Coast Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule A
SH: 10 Advance Capsule D
Get to the final area!
UIMapMine.png Advance Directive: Abandoned Mine Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule B
SH: 10 Advance Capsule E
Get to the final area!
UIMapSeabed.png Advance Directive: Seabed Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule C
SH: 10 Advance Capsule F
Get to the final area!
UIMapFacility.png Advance Directive: Floating Facility Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule A
SH: 10 Advance Capsule D
Get to the final area!
UIMapNightfall.png Advance Directive: Nightfall Province Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule B
SH: 10 Advance Capsule E
Get to the final area!
UIMapDaybreak.png Advance Directive: Daybreak Province Reach level 40 with any class.
VH: 1 Advance Capsule C
SH: 10 Advance Capsule F
Get to the final area!

Extreme Quests

Area Name Requirement Objective
UIMapVR.png Extreme Training: Tundra & Automata Reach level 50 with any class.
1 Extreme Pass
Master all five stages!
UIMapVR.png Extreme Training: Forest & Dragons Reach level 50 with any class.
1 Extreme Pass
Master all five stages!
UIMapVR.png Extreme Training: Ruins & Oceanids Reach level 50 with any class.
1 Extreme Pass
Master all five stages!
UIMapVR.png Elite Training: Heaven & Earth Reach level 75 with any class.
1 Extreme Pass
Master all five stages!

Ultimate Quests

Area Name Requirement Objective
UIMapCorruptForest.png Corruption Investigation: Naverius Reach level 70 with any class. Get to the final area!
UIMapCorruptTunnels.png Corruption Investigation: Lillipa Reach level 70 with any class. Get to the final area!

Challenge Quests

Area Name Objective
UIMapVREnvironment.png MISSION: Decision Complete 5 missions!

Story Quests

Episode 1

Chapter 1: Using the Divergence Matrix

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
UIStory010101.png An Encounter with Xion Event Quest N/A
UIStory010102.png A Mysterious Voice Event Quest N/A
UIStory010103.png Close Encounter with a Masked Demon Story Quest N/A
UIStory010104.png Protecting a Fallen Matoi Event Quest N/A
UIStory010105.png Notice from the Medical Bay Event Quest N/A
UIStory010106.png Two ARKS in a Pod Event Quest N/A
UIStory010107.png The Shadow Servant Event Quest N/A
UIStory010108.png ARKS Being Here Event Quest N/A
UIStory010109.png Being ARKS Event Quest N/A
UIStory010110.png Risa the Sharpshooter Event Quest N/A
UIStory010111.png Nothing Understood Event Quest N/A
UIStory010112.png Seeking to Change History Event Quest SG 20 Ticket

Chapter 2: Encountering the Draconians

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
The Professor's Gone Missing! Event Quest N/A
Seeker of Truth Event Quest N/A
A Vacant Presence Event Quest N/A
A Sweeter Way of Fighting Event Quest N/A
Launching an Investigation of the Draconians Event Quest N/A
A Multitude of Falspawn Event Quest N/A
Draconian Remains Event Quest N/A
The Dragons' Malady Story Quest N/A
Deep Affinity Event Quest N/A
I Don't Talk to Anyone Else Event Quest N/A
A New Divergence Matrix Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Guns are Glorious Event Quest N/A
Watch Out for Falspawn! Event Quest N/A

Chapter 3: A Small Benefactor

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Saved by a Tiny Silhouette Event Quest N/A
The Indiscriminate Threat Event Quest N/A
A Certain Dragon's Destination Event Quest N/A
A Chance Meeting Event Quest N/A
Traces of Existence Event Quest N/A
A Beneficiary's Lost Item Event Quest N/A
Wanting to Meet a Benefactor Event Quest N/A
So Close, Yet So Far Event Quest N/A
The Cause of Fear Event Quest N/A
An Unforgettable Kindness Event Quest N/A
Something New at Every Turn Event Quest N/A
Signs of Improvement Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
A Balanced Party Event Quest N/A
Forming a Balanced Party Event Quest N/A

Chapter 4: Broken Cosmogenic Arms

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
A Ranger at Heart Event Quest N/A
An Unfathomable Relationship Event Quest N/A
A Matter That Must Be Settled Event Quest N/A
Nothing To Do With Me Event Quest N/A
The Council of Six Unleashed Event Quest N/A
Deep Regret Event Quest N/A
That's ARKS, Folks Event Quest N/A
The Swordsmith Who Lost His Determination Event Quest N/A
The Cosmogenic Arms of Legend Event Quest N/A
The Geological Features of Planet Naverius Event Quest N/A
A Lingering Shadow Event Quest N/A
Anomaly on Naverius Story Quest N/A
A Resonance-Induced Headache Event Quest N/A
Reignited Passion Event Quest N/A
The Path You Must Trod Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
The Mantle of Suffering Event Quest N/A

Chapter 5: The Second Fragment

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
One Step Forward Event Quest N/A
Gentle Acceptance Event Quest N/A
Gettemhult's Past Event Quest N/A
Determination and Talent Event Quest N/A
What is Aptitude Anyway? Event Quest N/A
One Is Not Enough Event Quest N/A
Persona Rummaging Through the Underworks Event Quest N/A
Search for the Damaged Weapon Event Quest N/A
A Mysterious Mark Event Quest N/A
Hidden Beneath the Sands Story Quest N/A
Yet Another Resonance-Induced Headache Event Quest N/A
The Leading Edge! Event Quest N/A
To Find, You Must Seek Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
A Force Can Be Dangerous Event Quest N/A
Hunters Are Exhausting Partners Event Quest N/A

Chapter 6: The Last Fragment

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
A Race Against Time Event Quest N/A
Not Knowing When to Quit Event Quest N/A
The Savior of Legend Event Quest N/A
Looking for Something of Great Importance Event Quest N/A
Told You Not to Work Too Hard Event Quest N/A
Zeno and Gettemhult Event Quest N/A
Surveillance or Observation? Event Quest N/A
Thinking of Home Event Quest N/A
Persona Probing the Floating Continent Event Quest N/A
A Haphazard Investigation Event Quest N/A
Something Confirmed Event Quest N/A
A New Age Event Quest N/A
Entrusted by the Draconians Story Quest N/A
A Huge Resonance-Induced Headache Event Quest N/A
The Core! Event Quest N/A
The Path with the Answers to Everything Event Quest SG 20 Ticket

Chapter 7: Emergency

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Hard Work Pays Off! Event Quest N/A
Finally Looking Forward Event Quest N/A
Cultural Exchange Event Quest N/A
State of Emergency Event Quest N/A
Falspawn Full Assault Story Quest N/A
Theft of a Weapon Restored Event Quest N/A
Why Was It Her? Event Quest N/A
What Is Peace Anyway? Event Quest N/A
In Between Fact and Truth Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Something Even Worse Than Humans Event Quest N/A
Have You Heard About the Council of Six? Event Quest N/A

Chapter 8: Advent of the [Elder]

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
This Can't Be Possible Event Quest N/A
The Missing Scholar Event Quest N/A
A Girl's Invitation Event Quest N/A
A Failed Assassination and its Reasons Event Quest N/A
Something Hidden Event Quest N/A
When the Falspawn Draw Near Event Quest N/A
ARKS Patrol Event Quest N/A
A Noisy Nuisance Event Quest N/A
A White Lie Event Quest N/A
The Beginning of the End Story Quest N/A
News of Zeno Story Quest N/A
The One Left Behind Event Quest N/A
The Entity Known as Dark Falz Event Quest N/A
A Gain and a Loss Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Do You Know of the Trio of Heroes? Event Quest N/A

Chapter 9: ARKS and Dark Falz

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
I'm No Longer There Story Quest N/A
My Name is Huey! Event Quest N/A
A Sense of Worry Event Quest N/A
Announcing Our Festival! Event Quest N/A
A Bundle of Curiousity Event Quest N/A
Something's Still Bothering Me Event Quest N/A
The ARKS Tournament Story Quest SG 10 Ticket
Communication Skills Are Important! Event Quest N/A
Fourie's Invitation Event Quest N/A
Afin In Pursuit Event Quest N/A
An Unexpected Meeting Story Quest SG 10 Ticket
Tragedy or Liberation? Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
How To Fight From Now On Event Quest N/A
How To Fight From Here On Out Event Quest N/A

Chapter 10: The Idol and Rampaging Dragon

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Let's Go with Cheerful Vigor! Event Quest N/A
Talk of Traitors Event Quest N/A
Idol Incognito Event Quest N/A
Haddred and the Girl Event Quest N/A
Front and Back Event Quest N/A
Haddred's Thoughts Event Quest N/A
The Aim of the Rampant Dragon Event Quest N/A
What It Means to Be an "Idol" Event Quest N/A
The Ram of Atonement Event Quest N/A
Tying Things Up Event Quest N/A
Incomprehensible Actions Event Quest N/A
A Reason for Rampage Event Quest N/A
First Parting Story Quest N/A
A Love of Song Event Quest N/A
Cry of Determination Event Quest N/A
The Final Farewell Story Quest N/A
Unforgettable Will Event Quest N/A
Why I Entrust All to You Event Quest SG 20 Ticket

Episode 2

Chapter 1: The Survivors

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Wonderous Wopal Event Quest N/A
Replacing Zeno Event Quest N/A
A Deuman Rookie Event Quest N/A
Braver, At Your Service! Event Quest N/A
Creepy Natives Event Quest N/A
Searching for Someone Event Quest N/A
Understanding and Determination Story Quest N/A
Kill All Falspawn Event Quest N/A
Unable to Meet Her Event Quest N/A
Lost Intentions Story Quest N/A
The Key to the Future Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
The Perfect Target Event Quest N/A

Chapter 2: To Change History

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
The Sacred Dragon Altar! Event Quest N/A
A One-Sided Request Event Quest N/A
Sarah's Leadership Event Quest N/A
An Awaited Guest's Identity Event Quest N/A
Sarah's Prank Event Quest N/A
Xiao Event Quest N/A
Puttin' on the Ritz? Or a Change of Pace? Event Quest N/A
Making Changes Event Quest N/A
Goal Management Event Quest N/A
Spinning a New History Story Quest N/A
The Way Forward Opens Up Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
How the Deumans Came to Be Event Quest N/A
Katana Breathing Techniques Event Quest N/A
What's the Council Do Anyway? Event Quest N/A
The Freshest Spirit of All! Event Quest N/A

Chapter 2: To Change History

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
The Sacred Dragon Altar! Event Quest N/A
A One-Sided Request Event Quest N/A
Sarah's Leadership Event Quest N/A
An Awaited Guest's Identity Event Quest N/A
Sarah's Prank Event Quest N/A
Xiao Event Quest N/A
Puttin' on the Ritz? Or a Change of Pace? Event Quest N/A
Making Changes Event Quest N/A
Goal Management Event Quest N/A
Spinning a New History Story Quest N/A
The Way Forward Opens Up Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
How the Deumans Came to Be Event Quest N/A
Katana Breathing Techniques Event Quest N/A
What's the Council Do Anyway? Event Quest N/A
The Freshest Spirit of All! Event Quest N/A

Chapter 3: Beyond the Sealed Truth

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
No Water Under the Sea! Event Quest N/A
Thinking Of Him Event Quest N/A
Now In the Same Boat Event Quest N/A
A Shocked Sarah Event Quest N/A
Bad at Communication? Event Quest N/A
Quaking Beneath Blue Waters Story Quest SG 10 Ticket
Regret and Appreciation Event Quest N/A
Unattainable Information Event Quest N/A
A Truth Long Hidden Story Quest N/A
Foolish "Entity" and Foolish "Person" Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
At Least Act Like A Lady Event Quest N/A
After Much Pleading Event Quest N/A
In Trouble with Regius Event Quest N/A
It's Better to Be Understood Event Quest N/A

Chapter 4: A Day of Resurrection

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
A Change in Atmosphere Event Quest N/A
Don't Leak Information! Event Quest N/A
Thrills, Chills and Envy Event Quest N/A
Something Seems Off Event Quest N/A
A Specimen of Rectitude Event Quest N/A
Set In Motion Event Quest N/A
Day of Resurrection Story Quest Back / Abyss Minion
Setting Out for Loss Event Quest N/A
The End of Eternal Domination Story Quest N/A
Understanding Differences Event Quest N/A
A Polished Dullard Event Quest N/A
The Distance Between Him and Her Event Quest N/A
Where Responsibility Lies Event Quest N/A
A Long Time Ago, Lived a Girl Named Risa Event Quest N/A
A Seat for All Event Quest N/A
You are You Event Quest N/A
A Reason Not to Kill Event Quest N/A
Mysteries Remain Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Clarissa's Secret? Event Quest N/A
Clarissa's Unconventional Past Event Quest N/A
The Real World Event Quest N/A

Chapter 5: The Reason I was Born

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Me 10 Years Ago Event Quest N/A
Precisely Because We Have Already Met Event Quest N/A
Even Alone She's Noisy Event Quest N/A
Master and Apprentice Event Quest N/A
Annihiliation Pledge Event Quest N/A
The Teaching of the Master Event Quest N/A
That's My Enemy Event Quest N/A
Brilliant, Strong and Scary Event Quest N/A
On Whose Behalf the Master Acts Event Quest N/A
The Lonely Child Event Quest N/A
An Ordinary Girl Event Quest N/A
Saying Goodbye to Master Event Quest N/A
To Finally Carry Things Through Event Quest N/A
The Reason for My Birth Story Quest SG 5 Ticket
Xion's Apology and Regret Event Quest SG 20 Ticket

Chapter 6: One's Own Future

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Ten-Year-Old Memories Event Quest N/A
Dark Falz of Ten Years Ago Event Quest N/A
Rewrite History, Devour the Present Story Quest Elder Pain
Living With an Eye to the Future Event Quest N/A
Twins, the Twofold's Whereabouts Event Quest Arms / Razliapouch B
Legs / Razliastock B
Back / Razliazak B
Afin and Apprentice, the Vernal - Part 1 Event Quest N/A
Afin and Apprentice, the Vernal - Part 2 Event Quest N/A
Afin and Euclyta Event Quest N/A
Is All the World a Photoner's Playground? Event Quest N/A
An Overprotective Relationship Event Quest N/A
The Best Match Event Quest N/A
Sarah's Past Event Quest N/A
Sarah and Klariskrays Event Quest N/A
Making up, Even By Force Event Quest N/A
Harmony in a Curious Place Event Quest N/A
A Sisters' Quarrel Event Quest N/A
Inescapable Truth Event Quest N/A
Who Forgives Whom? Event Quest N/A
A Word of Caution Event Quest N/A
Going Forward Event Quest SG 20 Ticket

Episode 3

Chapter 1: The Ashmaiden

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Puzzling Piety Event Quest N/A
Here's to the Trailblazers Event Quest N/A
Guardian Kotoshiro Event Quest N/A
Playing His or Her Part Event Quest N/A
Quna's Future Event Quest N/A
Oza and Azanami Event Quest N/A
A True Blue Witness Event Quest N/A
Saying Hello on Harukotan! Event Quest N/A
Bouncing Onto the Scene! Event Quest N/A
I Can't Stand the Distance Event Quest N/A
Awkward Atmosphere Abounds Event Quest N/A
The Ashmaiden's Divine Protection Event Quest N/A
Daybreakers and Nightfallers Event Quest N/A
Nightfaller Assault Event Quest N/A
A Quiet Rage Event Quest N/A
A Game of Day and Night Story Quest N/A
Sleeping Clarissa Event Quest N/A
It May Already Be Too Late Event Quest N/A
Is It Already Too Late? Event Quest N/A
Clearing the Air Event Quest N/A
Deuman Downer Event Quest N/A
This is the Workout That Never Ends Event Quest N/A
A Reluctant New Recruit Event Quest N/A
Friends of the Ashmaiden Event Quest N/A
Righteous Retaliation Event Quest N/A
Foolish Harukotan Folk Event Quest N/A
An Ashen Legend Event Quest N/A
The Ashmaiden Teases Event Quest N/A
The Ashmaiden Gripes Event Quest N/A
A Force of Stronger Subjugation Event Quest N/A
The True Nature of Magatsu Event Quest N/A
An Ash-Smeared Legacy Story Quest SG 5 Ticket
The Advent of the Harbinger of Calamity Story Quest N/A
Gemini the Duplicate's Whereabouts Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Overdue Appreciation Event Quest N/A
Soaring Blades Slice and Dice! Event Quest N/A
The Magic of Jet Boots Event Quest N/A

Chapter 2: [Gemini's] Objective

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Theo's Thoughts and Ulku's Imagination Event Quest N/A
Lillipans on the Lookout Event Quest N/A
Oddballs All Around Event Quest N/A
PaTia is Pleased to Permit People! Event Quest N/A
Getting Acquainted Event Quest N/A
Lords of Day and Night Event Quest N/A
An Anticipated Answer Event Quest N/A
Failure's Greatest Masterpiece Story Quest N/A
Desire to Protect Event Quest N/A
Astronomical Numbers Event Quest N/A
What Lies Within Event Quest N/A
The Fated Finale Event Quest N/A
It's Dangerous to Go Alone Event Quest N/A
As Overseer, as a Friend Event Quest N/A
Going for Sukunahime Event Quest N/A
All for My Mother-In-Law Event Quest N/A
To Protect My Beloved Story Quest SG 5 Ticket
What I Can Do for You Event Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Mortal Cavort Event Quest N/A
Katori's Trickery and Chicanery Event Quest N/A
Its Name: Blade of Genesis Event Quest N/A
Breaking News on Gemini! Event Quest N/A
No Laughing Matter Event Quest N/A
Surviving Training Event Quest N/A

Chapter 3: What I Can Do

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
What Someone Like You Can Do Event Quest N/A
Decision Day Story Quest N/A
Unfit to Be Overseer Event Quest N/A
You're Not Alone Event Quest N/A
Abiding Allies Event Quest N/A
Spreading Smiles Event Quest N/A
ARKS's Top Twin-tel Team! Event Quest N/A
Not Like This Event Quest N/A
You Won't Know Until You Try Event Quest N/A
Those Left Behind Event Quest N/A
Why I'm Here Event Quest N/A
One For All, All For One Event Quest N/A
Stubborn Streak Event Quest N/A
It's Not Over 'Till It's Over Event Quest N/A
Roles to Play Event Quest N/A
A Future in Flux Event Quest N/A
The Reason Behind Your Birth Story Quest SG 5 Ticket
Profound Darkness Revived Event Quest N/A
Attack of the Profound Darkness Story Quest SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
A Present for My Predecessor Event Quest N/A
A Preset for Matoi Event Quest N/A
Something In Mind Event Quest N/A
Sisterly Squabbles Event Quest N/A

Chapter 4: Goddess of Original Young and Beauty

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Planning for a New Era Event Quest N/A
The Original Event Quest N/A
The Advent of Darkness Event Quest N/A
The Photoners' Failures Event Quest N/A
The Significance of Being Here Story Quest SG 10 Ticket
Plotting the Ultimate Defense Story Quest N/A