Zig Permit Exchange Shop

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Zig Permit Exchange Shop Change Weapon Category Get Other Items

Trailblazer Xion Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemVoidErebiteFragment.png Void Erebite Fragment Coming Soon
10 Tool UIItemEX-Cube.png EX-Cube Daily ARKS mission (Lv. 51+)
Swap Shop
Title reward
NPC Gifts(One Time Only)
A unique crystalline substance that grants more strength to those who seek it.
It can be exchanged for many things.
15 Material UIItemFoundersAmphirite.png Founder's Amphirite Mission Pass 9 Tier 30 reward
Coming Soon
The shining sea, full of endless knowledge,
has taken form in this mysterious stone, that somehow still retains its fluidity.
Weapons evolved with it will blaze new trails.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
12 Back Unit UIItemTrailblazerDrapeMixion.png Back / Trailblazer Drape Mixion Back / Starquake Drape Mixion
Void Erebite Fragment x50
Grind/Augments carry over HP+100
MEL +50
RNG +50
TEC +50
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
Dark Resist +5%
12 Arm Unit UIItemTrailblazerMountLuxion.png Arms / Trailblazer Mount Luxion Arms / Starquake Mount Luxion
Void Erebite Fragment x50
Grind/Augments carry over HP+100
MEL +50
RNG +50
TEC +50
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
Dark Resist +5%
12 Leg Unit UIItemTrailblazerDecorDixion.png Legs / Trailblazer Decor Dixion Legs / Starquake Decor Dixion
Void Erebite Fragment x50
Grind/Augments carry over HP+100
MEL +50
RNG +50
TEC +50
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
Dark Resist +5%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
15 Sword UIItemTrailblazerSwordDimexion.png Trailblazer Sword Dimexion+35 Starquake Sword Dimexion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
15 Wired Lance UIItemTrailblazerWhipAlxion.png Trailblazer Whip Alxion+35 Starquake Whip Alxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Partisan UIItemTrailblazerPartisanAdoraxion.png Trailblazer Partisan Adoraxion+35 Starquake Partisan Adoraxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Daggers UIItemTrailblazerBladesObsaxion.png Trailblazer Blades Obsaxion+35 Starquake Blades Obsaxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Double Saber UIItemTrailblazerCutterResurrexion.png Trailblazer Cutter Resurrexion+35 Starquake Cutter Resurrexion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Knuckles UIItemTrailblazerFistAssaxion.png Trailblazer Fist Assaxion+35 Starquake Fist Assaxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Gunblade UIItemTrailblazerSabreIntexion.png Trailblazer Sabre Intexion+35 Starquake Sabre Intexion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
15 Katana UIItemTrailblazerKatanaFloraxion.png Trailblazer Katana Floraxion+35 Starquake Katana Floraxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Soaring Blades UIItemTrailblazerSoaringCreaxion.png Trailblazer Soaring Creaxion+35 Starquake Soaring Creaxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
15 Rifle UIItemTrailblazerRifleAmbixion.png Trailblazer Rifle Ambixion+35 Starquake Rifle Ambixion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
15 Launcher UIItemTrailblazerLauncherVacilaxion.png Trailblazer Launcher Vacilaxion+35 Starquake Launcher Vacilaxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
15 Twin Machineguns UIItemTrailblazerBulletEjecuxion.png Trailblazer Bullet Ejecuxion+35 Starquake Bullet Ejecuxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
15 Bow UIItemTrailblazerBowObligaxion.png Trailblazer Bow Obligaxion+35 Starquake Bow Obligaxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Rod UIItemTrailblazerRodSalvaxion.png Trailblazer Rod Salvaxion+35 Starquake Rod Salvaxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
15 Talis UIItemTrailblazerTalisOraxion.png Trailblazer Talis Oraxion+35 Starquake Talis Oraxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
15 Wand UIItemTrailblazerCaneAspiraxion.png Trailblazer Cane Aspiraxion+35 Starquake Cane Aspiraxion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
15 Jet Boots UIItemTrailblazerBootBenedixion.png Trailblazer Boot Benedixion+35 Starquake Boot Benedixion+35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
15 Harmonizer UIItemTrailblazerNoteCanxion.png Trailblazer Note Canxion +35 Starquake Note Canxion +35
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over only the equipment's Grind Summoner

Starquake Xion Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemVoidErebiteFragment.png Void Erebite Fragment Coming Soon


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
12 Back Unit UIItemStarquakeDrapeMixion.png Back / Starquake Drape Mixion Void Erebite Fragment x 50 Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
MEL +25
RNG +25
TEC +25
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +4%
Dark Resist +4%
12 Arm Unit UIItemStarquakeMountLuxion.png Arms / Starquake Mount Luxion Void Erebite Fragment x 50 Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
MEL +25
RNG +25
TEC +25
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +4%
Dark Resist +4%
12 Leg Unit UIItemStarquakeDecorDixion.png Legs / Starquake Decor Dixion Void Erebite Fragment x 50 Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
MEL +25
RNG +25
TEC +25
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +4%
Dark Resist +4%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
14 Sword UIItemStarquakeSwordDimexion.png Starquake Sword Dimexion+35 Profound Sword Dimexion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
14 Wired Lance UIItemStarquakeWhipAlxion.png Starquake Whip Alxion+35 Profound Whip Alxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Partisan UIItemStarquakePartisanAdoraxion.png Starquake Partisan Adoraxion+35 Profound Partisan Adoraxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Daggers UIItemStarquakeBladesObsaxion.png Starquake Blades Obsaxion+35 Profound Blades Obsaxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Double Saber UIItemStarquakeCutterResurrexion.png Starquake Cutter Resurrexion+35 Profound Cutter Resurrexion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Knuckles UIItemStarquakeFistAssaxion.png Starquake Fist Assaxion+35 Profound Fist Assaxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Gunblade UIItemStarquakeSabreIntexion.png Starquake Sabre Intexion+35 Profound Sabre Intexion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
14 Katana UIItemStarquakeKatanaFloraxion.png Starquake Katana Floraxion+35 Profound Katana Floraxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Soaring Blades UIItemStarquakeSoaringCreaxion.png Starquake Soaring Creaxion+35 Profound Soaring Creaxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Rifle UIItemStarquakeRifleAmbixion.png Starquake Rifle Ambixion+35 Profound Rifle Ambixion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
14 Launcher UIItemStarquakeLauncherVacilaxion.png Starquake Launcher Vacilaxion+35 Profound Launcher Vacilaxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
14 Twin Machineguns UIItemStarquakeBulletEjecuxion.png Starquake Bullet Ejecuxion+35 Profound Bullet Ejecuxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
14 Bow UIItemStarquakeBowObligaxion.png Starquake Bow Obligaxion+35 Profound Bow Obligaxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Rod UIItemStarquakeRodSalvaxion.png Starquake Rod Salvaxion+35 Profound Rod Salvaxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
14 Talis UIItemStarquakeTalisOraxion.png Starquake Talis Oraxion+35 Profound Talis Oraxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
14 Wand UIItemStarquakeCaneAspiraxion.png Starquake Cane Aspiraxion+35 Profound Cane Aspiraxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
14 Jet Boots UIItemStarquakeBootBenedixion.png Starquake Boot Benedixion+35 Profound Boot Benedixion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Harmonizer UIItemStarquakeNoteCanxion.png Starquake Note Canxion +35 Profound Note Canxion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over only the equipment's Grind Summoner

Profound Xion Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemVoidErebiteFragment.png Void Erebite Fragment Coming Soon


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword UIItemProfoundSwordDimexion.png Profound Sword Dimexion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wired Lance UIItemProfoundWhipAlxion.png Profound Whip Alxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Partisan UIItemProfoundPartisanAdoraxion.png Profound Partisan Adoraxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Daggers UIItemProfoundBladesObsaxion.png Profound Blades Obsaxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Double Saber UIItemProfoundCutterResurrexion.png Profound Cutter Resurrexion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Knuckles UIItemProfoundFistAssaxion.png Profound Fist Assaxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Gunblade UIItemProfoundSabreIntexion.png Profound Sabre Intexion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Katana UIItemProfoundKatanaFloraxion.png Profound Katana Floraxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Soaring Blades UIItemProfoundSoaringCreaxion.png Profound Soaring Creaxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rifle UIItemProfoundRifleAmbixion.png Profound Rifle Ambixion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Launcher UIItemProfoundLauncherVacilaxion.png Profound Launcher Vacilaxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemProfoundBulletEjecuxion.png Profound Bullet Ejecuxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Bow UIItemProfoundBowObligaxion.png Profound Bow Obligaxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod UIItemProfoundRodSalvaxion.png Profound Rod Salvaxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Talis UIItemProfoundTalisOraxion.png Profound Talis Oraxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wand UIItemProfoundCaneAspiraxion.png Profound Cane Aspiraxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Jet Boots UIItemProfoundBootBenedixion.png Profound Boot Benedixion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Harmonizer UIItemProfoundNoteCanxion.png Profound Note Canxion Void Erebite Fragment x15 None Summoner

Atlas EX Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
10 Tool UIItemEX-Cube.png EX-Cube Daily ARKS mission (Lv. 51+)
Swap Shop
Title reward
NPC Gifts(One Time Only)
A unique crystalline substance that grants more strength to those who seek it.
It can be exchanged for many things.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
15 Sword UIItemAtlasFarderEX.png Atlas Farder EX+35 Atlas Farder+35
Lumiere Lamina+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
15 Wired Lance UIItemAtlasWeiszEX.png Atlas Weisz EX+35 Atlas Weisz+35
Lumiere Crys+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Partisan UIItemAtlasVictoEX.png Atlas Victo EX+35 Atlas Victo+35
Lumiere Lanse+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Daggers UIItemAtlasLoqueEX.png Atlas Loque EX+35 Atlas Loque+35
Lumiere Seeker+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Double Saber UIItemAtlasVireEX.png Atlas Vire EX+35 Atlas Vire+35
Lumiere Xyphos+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Knuckles UIItemAtlasVadiEX.png Atlas Vadi EX+35 Atlas Vadi+35
Lumiere Legant+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Gunblade UIItemAtlasAlzEX.png Atlas Alz EX+35 Atlas Alz+35
Lumiere Stic+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
15 Katana UIItemAtlasValuaEX.png Atlas Valua EX+35 Atlas Valua+35
Lumiere Cousios+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Soaring Blades UIItemAtlasSlechtEX.png Atlas Slecht EX+35 Atlas Slecht+35
Lumiere Repcion+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
15 Rifle UIItemAtlasDracheEX.png Atlas Drache EX+35 Atlas Drache+35
Lumiere Sphera+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
15 Launcher UIItemAtlasVolareEX.png Atlas Volare EX+35 Atlas Volare+35
Lumiere Seetio+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
15 Twin Machineguns UIItemAtlasRaddaEX.png Atlas Radda EX+35 Atlas Radda+35
Lumiere Sweep+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
15 Bow UIItemAtlasAgriaEX.png Atlas Agria EX+35 Atlas Agria+35
Lumiere Fleche+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Rod UIItemAtlasZemsEX.png Atlas Zems EX+35 Altas Zems+35
Lumiere Saxion+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
15 Talis UIItemAtlasLetraEX.png Atlas Letra EX+35 Altas Letra+35
Lumiere Saluth+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
15 Wand UIItemAtlasEythEX.png Atlas Eyth EX+35 Atlas Eyth+35
Lumiere Claire+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
15 Jet Boots UIItemAtlasExocetEX.png Atlas Exocet EX+35 Atlas Exocet+35
Lumiere Gettle+35
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer

Atlas Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
14 Material UIItemChronosEternistone.png Chronos Eternistone Mission Pass S8 Tier 30 (Normal)
Title Reward
Black Fellwyrm Rises From Ruin (XH)
Longing for Omniscience (XH)
Queen’s Nightmare: Sand City (XH)
Zig Recycle Altas
An unknown substance discovered in Omega.
Has the energy to restore damaged weapons to original condition.
5 Material UIItemNia.png Goldnia Desynthesize ★13 Striking Weapons
Swap Shop
Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for Striking Weapons.
5 Material UIItemDest.png Goldest Desynthesize ★13 Ranged Weapons
Swap Shop
Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for Ranged Weapons.
5 Material UIItemGrimo.png Goldgrimo Desynthesize ★13 Tech Weapons
Swap Shop
Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for Tech Weapons.
7 Material UIItemSaphard.png Saphard Desynthesize ★11 Weapons (Great Success)
Desynthesize ★12~13 Weapons
Mining Base Defense Operations: Incursion reward
Swap Shop
Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for rare weapons.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
14 Sword UIItemAtlasFarder.png Atlas Farder+35 Val Farder+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldnia x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
14 Wired Lance UIItemAtlasWeisz.png Atlas Weisz+35 Val Weisz+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldnia x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Partisan UIItemAtlasVicto.png Atlas Victo+35 Val Victo+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldnia x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Daggers UIItemAtlasLoque.png Atlas Loque+35 Val Loque+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldnia x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Double Saber UIItemAtlasVire.png Atlas Vire+35 Val Vire+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldnia x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Knuckles UIItemAtlasVadi.png Atlas Vadi+35 Val Vadi+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldnia x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Gunblade UIItemAtlasAlz.png Atlas Alz+35 Val Alz+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldnia x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
14 Katana UIItemAtlasValua.png Atlas Valua+35 Val Valua+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldnia x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Soaring Blades UIItemAtlasSlecht.png Atlas Slecht+35 Val Slecht+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldnia x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Rifle UIItemAtlasDrache.png Atlas Drache+35 Val Drache+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldest x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
14 Launcher UIItemAtlasVolare.png Atlas Volare+35 Val Volare+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldest x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
14 Twin Machineguns UIItemAtlasRadda.png Atlas Radda+35 Val Radda+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldest x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
14 Bow UIItemAtlasAgria.png Atlas Agria+35 Val Agria+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldest x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Rod UIItemAtlasZems.png Atlas Zems+35 Val Zems+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldgrimo x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
14 Talis UIItemAtlasLetra.png Atlas Letra+35 Val Letra+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldgrimo x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
14 Wand UIItemAtlasEyth.png Atlas Eyth+35 Val Eyth+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldgrimo x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
14 Jet Boots UIItemAtlasExocet.png Atlas Exocet+35 Val Exocet+35 x1
Chronos Eternistone x1
Goldgrimo x999
Saphard x999
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer

Lumiere Series Exchange


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
14 Sword UIItemLumiereLamina.png Lumiere Lamina+35 Jutus Lamina+35 x1
Golem Grafoil+35 x1
Schvelle Hander+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
14 Wired Lance UIItemLumiereCrys.png Lumiere Crys+35 Jutus Crys+35 x1
Bomber Golem Stead+35 x1
Schvelle Haddat+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Partisan UIItemLumiereLanse.png Lumiere Lanse+35 Jutus Lanse+35 x1
Wolfoie Zaire+35 x1
Schvelle Rangea+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Daggers UIItemLumiereSeeker.png Lumiere Seeker+35 Jutus Seeker+35 x1
Goblin Bomber Cozie+35 x1
Schvelle Janbea+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Double Saber UIItemLumiereXyphos.png Lumiere Xyphos+35 Jutus Xyphos+35 x1
Aurg’s Medeo+35 x1
Schvelle Kijal+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Knuckles UIItemLumiereLegant.png Lumiere Legant+35 Jutus Legant+35 x1
Ballade Cavalier+35 x1
Schvelle Sadi+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Gunblade UIItemLumiereStic.png Lumiere Stic+35 Jutus Stic+35 x1
Regaloyakut Skull+35 x1
Schvelle Buksi+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
14 Katana UIItemLumiereCousios.png Lumiere Cousios+35 Jutus Cousios+35 x1
Terros Granceler+35 x1
Schvelle Bazera+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Soaring Blades UIItemLumiereRepcion.png Lumiere Repcion+35 Jutus Repcion+35 x1
Salamandia Galanos+35 x1
Schvelle Battadia+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Rifle UIItemLumiereSphera.png Lumiere Sphera+35 Jutus Sphera+35 x1
Goblin Bomber Decade+35 x1
Schvelle Tradil+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
14 Launcher UIItemLumiereSeetio.png Lumiere Seetio+35 Jutus Seetio+35 x1
Orc Dhated+35 x1
Schvelle Calvin+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
14 Twin Machineguns UIItemLumiereSweep.png Lumiere Sweep+35 Jutus Sweep+35 x1
Salamandia Calleus+35 x1
Schvelle Dinares+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
14 Bow UIItemLumiereFleche.png Lumiere Fleche+35 Jutus Fleche+35 x1
Triste Skull+35 x1
Schvelle Gender+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Rod UIItemLumiereSaxion.png Lumiere Saxion+35 Jutus Saxion+35 x1
Colorbelle Foicerer+35 x1
Schvelle Madina+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
14 Talis UIItemLumiereSaluth.png Lumiere Saluth+35 Jutus Saluth+35 x1
Slomarch Meggidocerer+35 x1
Schvelle Fossile+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
14 Wand UIItemLumiereClaire.png Lumiere Claire+35 Jutus Claire+35 x1
Orc Golpedeo+35 x1
Schvelle Carenza+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
14 Jet Boots UIItemLumiereGettle.png Lumiere Gettle+35 Jutus Gettle+35 x1
Wolfoie Dephase+35 x1
Schvelle Cerberus+35 x1
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Harmonizer UIItemLumiereHarmony.png Lumiere Harmony+35 Jutus Harmony+35 x1
Resta Golem Natura+35 x1
Schvelle Anhks+35
Carries over the equipment's Grind Summoner

Supernatural Series Upgrade


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemOmegaBooster.png Chaos Malossistone Rock Golem
Bomber Golem
Resta Golem
Crimson Fellwyrm Over the Castle
Bewitching Woods Exploration Falzspawn Bosses (XH)
Flame Diamos
Endless Battle: Eternal Rondo
Material found in Alternate Dimension: Omega.
Said to draw out limit-breaking power when used on a weapon created from supernaturals.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword UIItemGolemGrafoil.png Golem Grafoil Golem Bluffs x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
13 Wired Lance UIItemBomberGolemStead.png Bomber Golem Stead Golem Barun x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Partisan UIItemWolfoieZaire.png Wolfoie Zaire Omega Lufzaire x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Daggers UIItemGoblinBomberCozier.png Goblin Bomber Cozier Goblin Bomber Delma x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Double Saber UIItemAurgsMedeo.png Aurg’s Medeo Aurg's Fury x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Knuckles UIItemBalladeCavalier.png Ballade Cavalier Savage Cavalier x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Gunblade UIItemRegaloyakutSkull.png Regaloyakut Skull Skuzirath Skull x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
13 Katana UIItemTerrosGranceler.png Terros Granceler Cortado Granceler x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Soaring Blades UIItemSalamandiaGalanos.png Salamandia Galanos Salamandia Labrum x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
13 Rifle UIItemGoblinBomberDecade.png Goblin Bomber Decade Goblin Bomber Peel x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
13 Launcher UIItemOrcDhated.png Orc Dhated Orc Addica x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemSalamandiaCalleus.png Salamandia Calleus Salamandia Tolst x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
13 Bow UIItemTristeSkull.png Triste Skull Wolfcurse Skull x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Rod UIItemColorbelleFoicerer.png Colorbelle Foicerer Grand Foicerer x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
13 Talis UIItemSlomarchMeggidoceror.png Slomarch Meggidocerer Rysleith Meggidoceror x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
13 Wand UIItemOrcGolpedeo.png Orc Golpedeo Orc Body Shard x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
13 Jet Boots UIItemWolfoieDephase.png Wolfoie Dephase Omegalpha Legs x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
13 Harmonizer UIItemRestaGolemNatura.png Resta Golem Natura Resta Golem Nacelle x1
Chaos Malossistone x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind Summoner

Schvelle Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemOmegaBooster.png Schvelle Booster Castrum Demonica: Hostility (SH+)
Buster Quests(Grade 3~3+)
Cleasis Series Upgrades
Material that awakens a life-destroying darkness.
Said to draw limit-breaking power when used on a Special Weapon.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword UIItemSchvelleHander.png Schvelle Hander Cleasis Hander x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
13 Wired Lance UIItemSchvelleHaddat.png Schvelle Haddat Cleasis Haddat x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Partisan UIItemSchvelleRangea.png Schvelle Rangea Cleasis Rangea x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Daggers 64px Schvelle Janbea Cleasis Janbea x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Double Saber UIItemSchvelleKijal.png Schvelle Kijal Cleasis Kijal x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Knuckles UIItemSchvelleSadi.png Schvelle Sadi Cleasis Sadi x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Gunblade 64px Schvelle Buksi Cleasis Buksi x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
13 Katana UIItemSchvelleBazera.png Schvelle Bazera Cleasis Bazera x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Soaring Blades UIItemSchvelleBattadia.png Schvelle Battadia Cleasis Battadia x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
13 Rifle UIItemSchvelleTradil.png Schvelle Tradil Cleasis Tradil x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
13 Launcher UIItemSchvelleCalvin.png Schvelle Calvin Cleasis Calvin x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemSchvelleDinares.png Schvelle Dinares Cleasis Dinares x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
13 Bow UIItemSchvelleGender.png Schvelle Gender Cleasis Gender x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Rod UIItemSchvelleMadina.png Schvelle Madina Cleasis Madina x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
13 Talis UIItemSchvelleFossile.png Schvelle Fossile Cleasis Fossile x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
13 Wand UIItemSchvelleCarenza.png Schvelle Carenza Cleasis Carenza x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
13 Jet Boots UIItemSchvelleCerberus.png Schvelle Cerberus Cleasis Cerberus x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
13 Harmonizer UIItemSchvelleAnhks.png Schvelle Anhks Cleasis Anhks x1
Schvelle Booster x60
Grind carries over Summoner

Cleasis Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemOmegaBooster.png Cleasis Booster Rock Golem
Bomber Golem
Resta Golem
Castrum Demonica: Hostility (N+)
Buster Quest (Grade 1~3)
Buster Medal Exchange
Bewitching Woods Exploration Falzspawn Bosses (XH)
Flame Diamos
Endless Battle: Eternal Rondo
Material that binds souls to the dark of night.
Said to draw limit-breaking power when used on a Special Weapon.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
12 Back Unit UIItemCleasisKibbs.png Back / Cleasis Kibbs Back / Ivlida Kibbs x1
Cleasis Booster x100
Grind/Augments carry over HP+90
MEL Resist+4%
RNG Resist+4%
TEC Resist+4%
Fire Resist+3%
Dark Resist+3%
12 Arm Unit UIItemCleasisRitt.png Arms / Cleasis Ritt Arms / Ivlida Ritt x1
Cleasis Booster x100
Grind/Augments carry over HP+90
MEL Resist+4%
RNG Resist+4%
TEC Resist+4%
Fire Resist+3%
Dark Resist+3%
12 Leg Unit UIItemCleasisCerbe.png Legs / Cleasis Cerbe Legs / Ivlida Cerbe x1
Cleasis Booster x100
Grind/Augments carry over HP+90
MEL Resist+4%
RNG Resist+4%
TEC Resist+4%
Fire Resist+3%
Dark Resist+3%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword UIItemCleasisHander.png Cleasis Hander Ivlida Hander x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
13 Wired Lance UIItemCleasisHaddat.png Cleasis Haddat Ivlida Haddat x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Partisan UIItemCleasisRangea.png Cleasis Rangea Ivlida Rangea x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Daggers 64px Cleasis Janbea Ivlida Janbea x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Double Saber UIItemCleasisKijal.png Cleasis Kijal Ivlida Kijal x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Knuckles UIItemCleasisSadi.png Cleasis Sadi Ivlida Sadi x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Gunblade 64px Cleasis Buksi Ivlida Buksi x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
13 Katana UIItemCleasisBazera.png Cleasis Bazera Ivlida Bazera x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Soaring Blades UIItemCleasisBattadia.png Cleasis Battadia Ivlida Battadia x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
13 Rifle UIItemCleasisTradil.png Cleasis Tradil Ivlida Tradil x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
13 Launcher UIItemCleasisCalvin.png Cleasis Calvin Ivlida Calvin x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemCleasisDinares.png Cleasis Dinares Ivlida Dinares x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
13 Bow UIItemCleasisGender.png Cleasis Gender Ivlida Gender x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Rod UIItemCleasisMadina.png Cleasis Madina Ivlida Madina x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
13 Talis UIItemCleasisFossile.png Cleasis Fossile Ivlida Fossile x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
13 Wand UIItemCleasisCarenza.png Cleasis Carenza Ivlida Carenza x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
13 Jet Boots UIItemCleasisCerberus.png Cleasis Cerberus Ivlida Cerberus x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
13 Harmonizer UIItemCleasisAnhks.png Cleasis Anhks Ivlida Anhks x1
Cleasis Booster x60
Carries over the equipment's Grind Summoner

Ophistia Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
10 Tool UIItemEX-Cube.png EX-Cube Daily ARKS mission (Lv. 51+)
Swap Shop
Title reward
NPC Gifts(One Time Only)
A unique crystalline substance that grants more strength to those who seek it.
It can be exchanged for many things.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
15 Sword UIItemOphistiaCalibur.png Ophistia Calibur+35 Invade Calibur+35
Ares Sword+35
Nemesis Calibur+35
Raven Calibur+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
15 Wired Lance UIItemOphistiaWing.png Ophistia Wing+35 Invade Wing+35
Ares Lance+35
Nemesis Chain+35
Raven Chain+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Partisan UIItemOphistiaSpear.png Ophistia Spear+35 Invade Spear+35
Ares Partisan+35
Nemesis Lance+35
Raven Lance+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Daggers UIItemOphistiaFencers.png Ophistia Fencer+35 Invade Fencers+35
Ares Kaiser+35
Nemesis Daggers+35
Raven Daggers+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Double Saber UIItemOphistiaEdge.png Ophistia Edge+35 Invade Edge+35
Ares Edge+35
Nemesis Saber+35
Raven Saber+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Knuckles UIItemOphistiaFists.png Ophistia Fists+35 Invade Fists+35
Ares Nest+35
Nemesis Fist+35
Raven Fist+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Gunblade UIItemOphistiaBuster.png Ophistia Buster+35 Invade Buster+35
Ares Buster+35
Nemesis Gunblade+35
Raven Gunblade+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
15 Katana UIItemOphistiaGalland.png Ophistia Galland+35 Invade Galland+35
Ares Ryuuga+35
Nemesis Cougar+35
Raven Cougar+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Soaring Blades UIItemOphistiaSabers.png Ophistia Sabers+35 Invade Sabers+35
Ares Blade+35
Nemesis Dual+35
Raven Dual+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
15 Rifle UIItemOphistiaShooter.png Ophistia Shooter+35 Invade Shooter+35
Ares Rifle+35
Nemesis Shooter+35
Raven Shooter+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
15 Launcher UIItemOphistiaCannon.png Ophistia Cannon+35 Invade Cannon+35
Ares Launcher+35
Nemesis Cannon+35
Raven Cannon+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
15 Twin Machineguns UIItemOphistiaRain.png Ophistia Rain+35 Invade Rain+35
Ares Machineguns+35
Nemesis Bullet+35
Raven Bullet+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
15 Bow UIItemOphistiaBogen.png Ophistia Bogen+35 Invade Bogen+35
Ares Bow+35
Nemesis Feather+35
Raven Feather+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Rod UIItemOphistiaSorcerer.png Ophistia Sorcerer+35 Invade Sorcerer's Rod+35
Ares Rod+35
Nemesis Sage+35
Raven Sage+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
15 Talis UIItemOphistiaArm.png Ophistia Arm+35 Invade Arm+35
Ares Talis+35
Nemesis Symbol+35
Raven Symbol+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
15 Wand UIItemOphistiaAxe.png Ophistia Axe+35 Invade Axe+35
Ares Wand+35
Nemesis Cross+35
Raven Cross+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
15 Jet Boots UIItemOphistiaSlider.png Ophistia Sliders+35 Invade Sliders+35
Ares Boots+35
Nemesis Shoes+35
Raven Shoes+35
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer

Guren/Xien Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
7 Material UIItemOmegaBooster.png Vesta Hearthstone Rising Weapons Badge 4 Exchange A mysterious stone containing layers of ruby and violet flame.
It has the power to enhance flame-bearing weapons with either property.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
14 Sword UIItemGurennoOhdachi.png Guren no Ohdachi+35 Homura no Ohdachi+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
14 Sword UIItemXiennoOhdachi.png Xien no Ohdachi+35 Homura no Ohdachi+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
14 Wired Lance UIItemGurennoTesshin.png Guren no Tesshin+35 Homura no Tesshin+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Wired Lance UIItemXiennoTesshin.png Xien no Tesshin+35 Homura no Tesshin+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Partisan UIItemGurennoOnitoshi.png Guren no Onitoshi+35 Homura no Onitoshi+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Partisan UIItemXiennoOnitoshi.png Xien no Onitoshi+35 Homura no Onitoshi+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Daggers UIItemGurennoHinotsuchi.png Guren no Hinotsuchi+35 Homura no Hinotsuchi+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Daggers UIItemXiennoHinotsuchi.png Xien no Hinotsuchi+35 Homura no Hinotsuchi+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Double Saber UIItemGurennoJoukasen.png Guren no Joukasen+35 Homura no Joukasen+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Double Saber UIItemXiennoJoukasen.png Xien no Joukasen+35 Homura no Joukasen+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Knuckles UIItemGurennoTekken.png Guren no Tekken+35 Homura no Tekken+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Knuckles UIItemXiennoTekken.png Xien no Tekken+35 Homura no Tekken+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Gunblade UIItemGurennoFushichou.png Guren no Fushichou+35 Homura no Fushichou+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
14 Gunblade UIItemXiennoFushichou.png Xien no Fushichou+35 Homura no Fushichou+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
14 Katana UIItemGurennoBenirenge.png Guren no Benirenge+35 Homura no Benirenge+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Katana UIItemXiennoBenirenge.png Xien no Benirenge+35 Homura no Benirenge+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Soaring Blades UIItemGurennoYamakage.png Guren no Yamakage+35 Homura no Yamakage+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Soaring Blades UIItemXiennoYamakage.png Xien no Yamakage+35 Homura no Yamakage+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Rifle UIItemGurennoToshi.png Guren no Toshi+35 Homura no Toshi+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
14 Rifle UIItemXiennoToshi.png Xien no Toshi+35 Homura no Toshi+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
14 Launcher UIItemGurennoEnrin.png Guren no Enrin+35 Homura no Enrin+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
14 Launcher UIItemXiennoEnrin.png Xien no Enrin+35 Homura no Enrin+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
14 Twin Machineguns UIItemGurennoSamidare.png Guren no Samidare+35 Homura no Samidare+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
14 Twin Machineguns UIItemXiennoSamidare.png Xien no Samidare+35 Homura no Samidare+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
14 Bow UIItemGurennoSenka.png Guren no Senka+35 Homura no Senka+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Bow UIItemXiennoSenka.png Xien no Senka+35 Homura no Senka+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Rod UIItemGurennoKashaku.png Guren no Kashaku+35 Homura no Kashaku+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
14 Rod UIItemXiennoKashaku.png Xien no Kashaku+35 Homura no Kashaku+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
14 Talis UIItemGurennoKochou.png Guren no Kochou+35 Homura no Kochou+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
14 Talis UIItemXiennoKochou.png Xien no Kochou+35 Homura no Kochou+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
14 Wand UIItemGurennoTomoshibi.png Guren no Tomoshibi+35 Homura no Tomoshibi+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
14 Wand UIItemXiennoTomoshibi.png Xien no Tomoshibi+35 Homura no Tomoshibi+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
14 Jet Boots UIItemGurennoSouyoku.png Guren no Souyoku+35 Homura no Souyoku+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Jet Boots UIItemXiennoSouyoku.png Xien no Souyoku+35 Homura no Souyoku+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Harmonizer UIItemGurennoYomimusubi.png Guren no Yomimusubi+35 Homura no Yomimusubi+35 x1
Vesta Hearthstone x9
Carries over the equipment's Grind Summoner

Earth Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemFuse.png Ether Fuse Imposing Iron Assault (XH)
Iron Juggernaut Of The High Seas
An Aether bonding inductive element. Used as material for certain weapons.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword UIItemSiegkaiserSword.png Siegkaiser Sword+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wired Lance UIItemSiegkaiserShield.png Siegkaiser Shield+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Partisan UIItemSiegkaiserJavelin.png Siegkaiser Javelin+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Daggers UIItemS.CNArborStag.png S.CN Arbor Stag+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Double Saber UIItemSiegkaiserBlade.png Siegkaiser Blade+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Knuckles UIItemGlycineVidiya.png Glycine Vidiya+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Gunblade UIItemMercenaryStarRod.png Mercenary Starlord+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Katana UIItemHFBWhirlwindLetz.png HFB Whirlwind Letz+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Soaring Blades UIItemSCNArborMantis.png S. CN Arbor Mantis+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rifle UIItemValkyrieA30S.png Valkyrie A30S+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Launcher UIItemSiegkaiserLauncher.png Siegkaiser Launcher+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemValkyrieR25S.png Valkyrie R25S+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Bow UIItemSiegkaiserArcher.png Siegkaiser Archer+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod UIItemWeaponGlycineLaura.png Glycine Laura+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Talis UIItemGlycineLithos.png Glycine Lithos+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wand UIItemGlycineKane.png Glycine Kane+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Jet Boots UIItemGlycineAquila.png Glycine Aquila+35 Aether Fuse x20 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III

Zeinesis Series Exchange


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
12 Back Unit UIItemZeinesisGunof.png Back / Zeinesis Gunof Back / Clifard Gunof x1 Grind/Augments carry over HP+120
MEL +15
RNG +15
TEC +15
MEL Resist +3%
RNG Resist +3%
TEC Resist +2%
Fire Resist +2%
Ice Resist +2%
Lightning Resist +2%
Wind Resist +2%
Light Resist +2%
Dark Resist +2%
12 Arm Unit UIItemZeinesisLita.png Arms / Zeinesis Lita Arms / Clifard Lita x1 Grind/Augments carry over HP+120
MEL +15
RNG +15
TEC +15
MEL Resist +2%
RNG Resist +3%
TEC Resist +3%
Fire Resist +2%
Ice Resist +2%
Lightning Resist +2%
Wind Resist +2%
Light Resist +2%
Dark Resist +2%
12 Leg Unit UIItemZeinesisRem.png Legs / Zeinesis Rem Legs / Clifard Rem x1 Grind/Augments carry over HP+120
MEL +15
RNG +15
TEC +15
MEL Resist +3%
RNG Resist +2%
TEC Resist +3%
Fire Resist +2%
Ice Resist +2%
Lightning Resist +2%
Wind Resist +2%
Light Resist +2%
Dark Resist +2%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword UIItemZeinesisCalibur.png Zeinesis Calibur Clifard Calibur x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
13 Wired Lance UIItemZeinesisLance.png Zeinesis Lance Clifard Lance x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Partisan UIItemZeinesisValdis.png Zeinesis Valdis Clifard Valdis x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Daggers UIItemZeinesisBazeraldt.png Zeinesis Bazeraldt Clifard Bazeraldt x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Double Saber UIItemZeinesisWaffen.png Zeinesis Waffen Clifard Waffen x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Knuckles UIItemZeinesisBreakles.png Zeinesis Breakles Clifard Breakles x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Gunblade UIItemZeinesisGunscissor.png Zeinesis Gunscissor Clifard Gunscissor x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
13 Katana UIItemZeinesisSheath.png Zeinesis Sheath Clifard Sheath x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Soaring Blades 64px Zeinesis Säbels Clifard Säbels x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
13 Rifle UIItemZeinesisLaser.png Zeinesis Laser Clifard Laser x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
13 Launcher UIItemZeinesisCannon.png Zeinesis Cannon Clifard Cannon x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemZeinesisVulcan.png Zeinesis Vulcan Clifard Vulcan x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
13 Bow UIItemZeinesisArrow.png Zeinesis Arrow Clifard Arrow x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Rod UIItemZeinesisScratch.png Zeinesis Scratch Clifard Scratch x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
13 Talis UIItemZeinesisFidel.png Zeinesis Fidel Clifard Fidel x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
13 Wand UIItemZeinesisScepter.png Zeinesis Scepter Clifard Scepter x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
13 Jet Boots UIItemZeinesisGear.png Zeinesis Gear Clifard Gear x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
13 Harmonizer UIItemZeinesisPick.png Zeinesis Pick Clifard Pick x1 Carries over the equipment's Grind Summoner


Rarity Icon Image Name Price Description
7 Material UIItemFuse.png Clifard Fuse(5) Zeinesis/Clifard Units x1 A particle containing divine power, that facilitates binding. It can be exchanged for certain items or used to enhance Special Weapons.

Clifard Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemFuse.png Clifard Fuse Deus Esca, Maker of New Epochs Lv. 76+
Deus Esca, Singer of Genesis Lv. 71+
Clifard Series Upgrades
A particle containing divine power, that facilitates binding. It can be exchanged for certain items or used to enhance Special Weapons.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
12 Back Unit UIItemClifardGunof.png Back / Clifard Gunof Back / Zeinesis Gulof x1
Clifard Fuse x60
Grind/Augments carry over HP+40
MEL +35
RNG +35
TEC +35
MEL Resist +2%
RNG Resist +2%
TEC Resist +1%
12 Arm Unit UIItemClifardLita.png Arms / Clifard Lita Arms / Zeinesis Lita x1
Clifard Fuse x60
Grind/Augments carry over HP+40
MEL +35
RNG +35
TEC +35
MEL Resist +1%
RNG Resist +2%
TEC Resist +2%
12 Leg Unit UIItemClifardRem.png Legs / Clifard Rem Legs / Zeinesis Rem x1
Clifard Fuse x60
Grind/Augments carry over HP+40
MEL +35
RNG +35
TEC +35
MEL Resist +2%
RNG Resist +1%
TEC Resist +2%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword UIItemClifardCalibur.png Clifard Calibur Zeinesis Calibur x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
13 Wired Lance UIItemClifardLance.png Clifard Lance Zeinesis Lance x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Partisan UIItemClifardValdis.png Clifard Valdis Zeinesis Valdis x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Daggers UIItemClifardBazeraldt.png Clifard Bazeraldt Zeinesis Bazeraldt x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Double Saber UIItemClifardWaffen.png Clifard Waffen Zeinesis Waffen x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Knuckles UIItemClifardBreakles.png Clifard Breakles Zeinesis Breakles x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Gunblade UIItemClifardGunscissor.png Clifard Gunscissor Zeinesis Gunscissor x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
13 Katana UIItemClifardSheath.png Clifard Sheath Zeinesis Sheath x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Soaring Blades 64px Clifard Säbels Zeinesis Säbels x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
13 Rifle UIItemClifardLaser.png Clifard Laser Zeinesis Laser x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
13 Launcher UIItemClifardCannon.png Clifard Cannon Zeinesis Cannon x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemClifardVulcan.png Clifard Vulcan Zeinesis Vulcan x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
13 Bow UIItemClifardArrow.png Clifard Arrow Zeinesis Arrow x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Rod UIItemClifardScratch.png Clifard Scratch Zeinesis Scratch x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
13 Talis UIItemClifardFidel.png Clifard Fidel Zeinesis Fidel x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
13 Wand UIItemClifardScepter.png Clifard Scepter Zeinesis Scepter x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
13 Jet Boots UIItemClifardGear.png Clifard Gear Zeinesis Gear x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
13 Harmonizer UIItemClifardPick.png Clifard Pick Zeinesis Pick x1
Clifard Fuse x120
Carries over the equipment's Grind Summoner

Union Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
7 Material UIItemUnionBooster.png Union Booster Barren Blossom, Butcher of Light (XH) clear
Title Reward
Augmented parts developed for the Ray series. It's said that they push their performance beyond its limits.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
12 Back Unit UIItemCircunion.png Back / Circunion Back / Circuray x1
Union Booster x5
Grind/Augments carry over HP+75
MEL +25
RNG +25
TEC +25
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +2%
TEC Resist +2%
12 Arm Unit UIItemCircaunion.png Arms / Circaunion Arms / Circuray x1
Union Booster x5
Grind/Augments carry over HP+75
MEL +25
RNG +25
TEC +25
MEL Resist +2%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +2%
12 Leg Unit UIItemCircUnion .png Legs / Circunion Legs / Circuray x1
Union Booster x5
Grind/Augments carry over HP+75
MEL +25
RNG +25
TEC +25
MEL Resist +2%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +4%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword UIItemUnionSword.png Union Sword Ray Sword x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
13 Wired Lance UIItemUnionLance.png Union Lance Ray Lance x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Partisan UIItemUnionPartisan.png Union Partisan Ray Partisan x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
13 Daggers UIItemUnionTwinDaggers.png Union Twin Daggers Ray Twin Daggers x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Double Saber UIItemUnionDoubleSaber.png Union Double Saber Ray Double Saber x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Knuckles UIItemUnionKnuckles.png Union Knuckles Ray Knuckles x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
13 Gunblade UIItemUnionGunblade.png Union Gunblade Ray Gunblade x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
13 Katana UIItemUnionKatana.png Union Katana Ray Katana x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Soaring Blades UIItemUnionSoaringBlades.png Union Soaring Blades Ray Soaring Blades x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
13 Rifle UIItemUnionRifle.png Union Rifle Ray Rifle x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
13 Launcher UIItemUnionLauncher.png Union Launcher Ray Launcher x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemUnionTwinMachineGuns.png Union Twin Machineguns Ray Twin Machineguns x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
13 Bow UIItemUnionBow.png Union Bow Ray Bow x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
13 Rod UIItemUnionRod.png Union Rod Ray Rod x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
13 Talis UIItemUnionTalis.png Union Talis Ray Talis x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
13 Wand UIItemUnionWand.png Union Wand Ray Wand x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
13 Jet Boots UIItemUnionJetBoots.png Union Jet Boots Ray Jet Boots x1
Union Booster x5
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer