Ares Talis

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Sword Swords Wired Lance Wired Lances Partisan Partisans Daggers Twin Daggers Double Saber Double Sabers Knuckles Knuckles Katana Katanas Soaring Blades Soaring Blades Gunblade Gunblades
Rifle Assault Rifles Launcher Launchers Twin Machineguns Twin Machine Guns Bow Bows
Rod Rods Talis Talises Wand Wands Jet Boots Jet Boots Harmonizer Harmonizers
Ares Talis
Rarity: UIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarRainbowIcon.pngUIStarRainbowIcon.png
Req: 810 TEC
Type: Talis
Classes: Force Techter Hero
Augment Factor
S-Grade Augment S2: Spectre's Apparition
Supported S-Grade Augment Slots
S Grade Augment 1S Grade Augment 2S Grade Augment 3
Phantom Nature
Lv. 1
Increase damage based on the Photon Blast Gauge (7%/8%/9%). Bestow an additional effect based on the Photon Blast type when the Photon Blast is used.
Lv. 2
Increase damage based on the Photon Blast Gauge (9%/10%/11%). Bestow an additional effect based on the Photon Blast type when the Photon Blast is used.
Lv. 3
Increase damage based on the Photon Blast Gauge (11%/12%/13%). Bestow an additional effect based on the Photon Blast type when the Photon Blast is used.

Drop Info

Can be acquired from Nanon at the Badge & Memory Shop for Tool8 Unique Weapons Badge x 300.

Additional Info

This weapon's Potential has the following effects:

  • Upon using a Photon Blast, gain a bonus based on the type of Photon Blast used. The activation of this effect is marked by an emblem appearing around the character.
    • Helix: Increase damage by 4%.
    • Ajax: Increase Active PP Recovery by 40%.
    • Cetus: Increase Natural PP Recovery by 30%.
    • Julius: Decrease damage taken by 12%.
    • Troy: Reduce PP consumption by 15%.
  • The effect of this bonus will persist after usage until the weapon is switched, but will be restored if the weapon is re-equipped.
  • Using multiple Photon Blasts within the same Quest instance will stack each individual bonus, but the same type of bonus cannot be stacked twice.

Collapse14 Ares Series
Sword Ares Sword

Wired Lance Ares Lance
Partisan Ares Partisan
Daggers Ares Kaiser
Double Saber Ares Edge
Knuckles Ares Nest
Katana Ares Ryuuga
Soaring Blades Ares Blades
Gunblade Ares Buster
Rifle Ares Rifle
Launcher Ares Launcher
Twin Machineguns Ares Machineguns
Bow Ares Bow
Rod Ares Rod
Talis Ares Talis
Wand Ares Wand
Jet Boots Ares Boots
Harmonizer Ares Harmonizer

CollapseRelated Camos
Weapon Camo * Ares Kreger