Nike Helix

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Sword Swords Wired Lance Wired Lances Partisan Partisans Daggers Twin Daggers Double Saber Double Sabers Knuckles Knuckles Katana Katanas Soaring Blades Soaring Blades Gunblade Gunblades
Rifle Assault Rifles Launcher Launchers Twin Machineguns Twin Machine Guns Bow Bows
Rod Rods Talis Talises Wand Wands Jet Boots Jet Boots Harmonizer Harmonizers
Nike Helix
Rarity: UIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarRainbowIcon.pngUIStarRainbowIcon.png
Req: 820 MEL
Type: Double Saber
Classes: Fighter Etoile
Augment Factor
Augment Factor Phrase Chase
Supported S-Grade Augment Slots
S Grade Augment 1S Grade Augment 2S Grade Augment 3
Two Sides of a Coin
Lv. 1
Increase damage by 6%. Increase damage (10%) when the weapon is sheathed for ~2 seconds. Bonus disappears ~14 seconds after dealing damage with an attack.
Lv. 2
Increase damage by 6%. Increase damage (12%) when the weapon is sheathed for ~2 seconds. Bonus disappears ~14 seconds after dealing damage with an attack.
Lv. 3
Increase damage by 6%. Increase damage (14%) when the weapon is sheathed for ~2 seconds. Bonus disappears ~14 seconds after dealing damage with attack.

Drop Info

Additional Info

This weapon's Potential is as follows:

  • If 2 seconds elapse when the weapon is sheathed and no ring surrounds the character, a blue ring appears.
  • When attacking, the blue ring changes to a red ring. Red ring lasts for about ~14 seconds until the ring vanishes.
    • Ring does not change unless you inflict damage with your attack.
    • Damage is still boosted while the red ring surrounds the player.
    • You cannot regenerate a blue ring while a red ring surrounds the player, even if the weapon is sheathed. You must wait for the red ring to disperse before the weapon can generate a new blue ring.
  • Switching weapons cancels this weapon's effect.

14 Nike Series
Sword Nike Espadio

Wired Lance Nike Scycard
Partisan Nike Halberd
Daggers Nike Dilabrone
Double Saber Nike Helix
Knuckles Nike Weit
Katana Nike Jinran
Soaring Blades Nike Reaper
Gunblade Nike Gunsickle
Rifle Nike Laqueus
Launcher Nike Launcher
Twin Machineguns Nike Grauzam
Bow Nike Arcus
Rod Nike Soleil
Talis Nike Judix
Wand Nike Corsair
Jet Boots Nike Ignore