Mag Feed

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Mag List Photon Blast List Mag Feed List Mag Device List

Mag EXP Tables

Item Rarity MEL Pwr RNG Pwr TEC Pwr DEX MEL Def RNG Def TEC Def
Striking Weapons
1 +18 0 0 +2 -6 0 0
2 +27 0 0 +3 -9 0 0
3 +36 0 0 +4 -12 0 0
4 +45 0 0 +5 -15 0 0
5 +54 0 0 +6 -18 0 0
6 +63 0 0 +7 -21 0 0
7 +80 0 0 +8 -24 0 0
8 +104 0 0 +9 -27 0 0
9 +128 0 0 +10 -30 0 0
Ranged Weapons
1 0 +18 0 +2 0 -6 0
2 0 +27 0 +3 0 -9 0
3 0 +36 0 +4 0 -12 0
4 0 +45 0 +5 0 -15 0
5 0 +54 0 +6 0 -18 0
6 0 +63 0 +7 0 -21 0
7 0 +80 0 +8 0 -24 0
8 0 +104 0 +9 0 -27 0
9 0 +128 0 +10 0 -30 0
Technique Weapons
1 0 0 +18 +2 0 0 -6
2 0 0 +27 +3 0 0 -9
3 0 0 +36 +4 0 0 -12
4 0 0 +45 +5 0 0 -15
5 0 0 +54 +6 0 0 -18
6 0 0 +63 +7 0 0 -21
7 0 0 +80 +8 0 0 -24
8 0 0 +104 +9 0 0 -27
9 0 0 +128 +10 0 0 -30
Back Units
2 0 0 -9 +3 0 0 +18
3 0 0 -12 +4 0 0 +24
4 0 0 -15 +5 0 0 +30
5 0 0 -18 +6 0 0 +36
6 0 0 -21 +7 0 0 +42
7 0 0 -24 +8 0 0 +80
8 0 0 -27 +9 0 0 +104
9 0 0 -30 +10 0 0 +128
Arm Units
2 0 -9 0 +3 0 +18 0
3 0 -12 0 +4 0 +24 0
4 0 -15 0 +5 0 +30 0
5 0 -18 0 +6 0 +36 0
6 0 -21 0 +7 0 +42 0
7 0 -24 0 +8 0 +80 0
8 0 -27 0 +9 0 +104 0
9 0 -30 0 +10 0 +128 0
Leg Units
2 -9 0 0 +3 +18 0 0
3 -12 0 0 +4 +24 0 0
4 -15 0 0 +5 +30 0 0
5 -18 0 0 +6 +36 0 0
6 -21 0 0 +7 +42 0 0
7 -24 0 0 +8 +80 0 0
8 -27 0 0 +9 +104 0 0
9 -30 0 0 +10 +128 0 0
Sub Units
1 0 0 0 -9 +6 +6 +6
2 0 0 0 -12 +8 +8 +8
3 0 0 0 -15 +10 +10 +10
4 0 0 0 -18 +12 +12 +12
5 0 0 0 -21 +14 +14 +14
7 0 0 0 -27 +18 +18 +18
9 0 0 0 -33 +22 +22 +22
Item Rarity MEL Pwr RNG Pwr TEC Pwr DEX MEL Def RNG Def TEC Def
3 0 0 +32 -32 0 0 0
6 0 0 +64 -64 0 0 0
7 -15 -15 -15 +45 0 0 0
9 +40 +40 +40 -30 -30 -30 -30
Item Rarity MEL Pwr RNG Pwr TEC Pwr DEX MEL Def RNG Def TEC Def
1 +4 0 0 -8 +4 0 0
2 0 +4 0 -8 0 +4 0
Shifta Essence
Deband Essence
3 0 0 +4 -8 0 0 +4
Sol Atomizer
4 -2 -2 -2 +4 0 0 0
Star Atomizer
5 +4 +4 +4 -10 0 0 0
Moon Atomizer
Cosmos Atomizer
6 0 0 0 -10 +4 +4 +4
0 0 0 +30 -3 -3 -3
Custom Disk
6 0 0 0 +150 -3 -3 -3
Room Goods
Reform Goods
1 -10 0 0 -10 +5 0 0
2 0 -10 0 -10 0 +5 0
3 0 0 -10 -10 0 0 +5
4 +5 0 0 -10 -10 0 0
5 0 +5 0 -10 0 -10 0
6 0 0 +5 -10 0 0 -10

The Four Types of Mags

Each Mag is built toward a certain class you are playing.
RNG Mags are for Rangers and Gunners, but can also be used for Bow Bravers.
MEL Mags are for Hunter, Fighter, but can be used for Katana Bravers. They are also for players wanting to do Techer/Hunter.
TEC Mags are for Force.
DEX Mags are for Bouncer and are better for Braver than MEL/RNG Mags. See below for the explanation. (You can also use DEX mags to cheese your DEX to the required DEX to use a Sigma weapon to grind VH AQ easier.)

Pure Dex Mag

Two Ways to level your Dex Mag

The first and cheapest way of feeding your mag is feeding it PA Disks. It is much cheaper, but the downsides are you have to wait until your mag is ready to be fed again. If you're in a hurry and are willing to spend the meseta the next method is for you.

The second and more expensive way is giving it Mag Food Device: DEX Mini. It takes 502 Mag Food Device: DEX Mini to level from 1-200 and unlike feeding your Mag you can use all 502 devices back to back. You can reach this option by going to your Mag and instead of clicking "Feed Item" you click "Use Device".

Feed PA Disks to level Slowly.
Use Mag Food Device: DEX Mini to level fast.

Classes that use DEX Mag

Classes that benefit the most are Bouncer / Braver because of their Mag skill in their skill tree which converts Dex from your mag into Ranged Power and Melee Power ( Braver Skill) / Melee Power and Tech Power (Bouncer skill).

Braver Mag = Converts DEX from Mag into Melee Power and Ranged Power at 1:1 ratio.
Bouncer Mag = Converts DEX from Mag into Melee Power and Tech Power at 1:1 ratio.

Another lesser known use for this mag is power leveling alt classes by hitting the Dex required for Sigma Launcher and then farming VH AQ +50 with Sigma Launcher. If you get a Sigma Launcher to +35 you can demolish VH AQ +50 easily with just auto attacks which do massive AOE damage. This is currently the best way to farm EXP.

Pure MEL Mag

Two Ways to level your MEL Mag

The first and cheapest way of feeding your mag is feeding it 9 Melee Weapons. It is much cheaper, but the downsides are you have to wait until your mag is ready to be fed again and you MUST make sure you never go above Lvl 0 Dex. To prevent that you need to feed your mag 4 furniture before your mag levels up DEX. If you're in a hurry and are willing to spend the meseta the next method is for you.

The second and more expensive way is giving it Mag Food Device: MEL Mini. It takes 502 Mag Food Device: MEL Mini to level from 1-200 and unlike feeding your Mag you can use all 502 devices back to back. You can reach this option by going to your Mag and instead of clicking "Feed Item" you click "Use Device".

Feed 9 Melee Weapons and 4 Furniture to level Slowly. DO NOT LET DEX LEVEL UP.
Use Mag Food Device: MEL Mini to level fast.

Pure RNG Mag

Two Ways to level your RNG Mag

The first and cheapest way of feeding your mag is feeding it 9 Ranged Weapons. It is much cheaper, but the downsides are you have to wait until your mag is ready to be fed again and you MUST make sure you never go above Lvl 0 Dex. To prevent that you need to feed your mag 5 furniture before your mag levels up DEX. If you're in a hurry and are willing to spend the meseta the next method is for you.

The second and more expensive way is giving it Mag Food Device: RNG Mini. It takes 502 Mag Food Device: RNG Mini to level from 1-200 and unlike feeding your Mag you can use all 502 devices back to back. You can reach this option by going to your Mag and instead of clicking "Feed Item" you click "Use Device".

Feed 9 Ranged Weapons and 5 Furniture to level Slowly. DO NOT LET DEX LEVEL UP.
Use Mag Food Device: RNG Mini to level fast.

Pure TEC Mag

Two Ways to level your TEC Mag

The first and cheapest way of feeding your mag is feeding it 9 TEC Weapons. It is much cheaper, but the downsides are you have to wait until your mag is ready to be fed again and you MUST make sure you never go above Lvl 0 Dex. To prevent that you need to feed your mag 3 or 6 Candy before your mag levels up DEX. If you're in a hurry and are willing to spend the meseta the next method is for you.

The second and more expensive way is giving it Mag Food Device: TEC Mini. It takes 502 Mag Food Device: TEC Mini to level from 1-200 and unlike feeding your Mag you can use all 502 devices back to back. You can reach this option by going to your Mag and instead of clicking "Feed Item" you click "Use Device".

Feed 9 TEC Weapons and 3 or 6 Candy to level Slowly. DO NOT LET DEX LEVEL UP.
Use Mag Food Device: TEC Mini to level fast.