Mag Feed

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Mag List Photon Blast List Mag Feed List Mag Device List


Mags can grow by feeding them items, including equipment and other goods. The items given to the Mag are consumed and removed from your inventory.

  • Certain items between 1 to 9 can be used to feed the Mag (Only weapons, units, and candies are available in the 7 to 9 range). 10 or higher items cannot be fed to the Mag.
    • Items that cannot be sold in Personal Shops can also be used for food.
  • Energy is a parameter for the Mag's satiety. At 0% (Hungry), the Mag will not perform actions.
  • For every 13 minutes and 20 seconds (800 seconds), the Energy is reduced by about 33.33%, feeding will increase the Energy by the same amount.
    • Trigger Actions consumes Energy, allowing you to reduce the time needed to feed the Mag again.
  • The order of Mags in the Mag window is automatically sorted by level, and then by the type of the Mag. If you buy multiple Mags and feed them in tandem, the order of the Mags will change often. Take caution of potential feeding mistakes.
  • The number of points required to increase a Support Level by 1 is 30 points initially. However, any Support Level past 50 will have increased requirements to increase the level by 1.
    • Regardless of the total level of the Mag, each Support Level determines the required points to increase them. (Since the length of the bar is fixed, the growth of each food will appear smaller.)
Support Level Points Required Cumulative Total
0 ~ 49 30 1,500
50 ~ 59 70 2,200
60 ~ 69 90 3,100
70 ~ 79 110 4,200
80 ~ 89 130 5,500
90 ~ 99 150 7,000
100 ~ 109 180 8,800
110 ~ 119 210 10,900
120 ~ 199 240 30,100
200 (Upper Limit) --- 30,100

The Four Types of Mags

Each Mag is built toward a certain class you are playing.
MEL Mags are for Hunters and Fighters, but can be used for Katana Bravers. They are also for players wanting to do Techter/Hunter.
RNG Mags are for Rangers and Gunners, but can also be used for Bow Bravers.
TEC Mags are for Force.
DEX Mags are for Bouncer and Braver.

Pure MEL Mag

Two Ways to level your MEL Mag

The first and cheapest way of feeding your mag is feeding it 9 Melee Weapons. It is much cheaper, but the downsides are you have to wait until your mag is ready to be fed again and you MUST make sure you never go above Lvl 0 Dex. To prevent that you need to feed your mag 4 furniture before your mag levels up DEX. If you're in a hurry and are willing to spend the meseta the next method is for you.

The second and more expensive way is giving it Mag Food Device: MEL Mini. It takes 502 Mag Food Device: MEL Mini to level from 1-200 and unlike feeding your Mag you can use all 502 devices back to back. You can reach this option by going to your Mag and instead of clicking "Feed Item" you click "Use Device".

Feed 9 Melee Weapons and 4 Furniture or Monomates to level Slowly. DO NOT LET DEX LEVEL UP.
Use Mag Food Device: MEL Mini to level fast.
Use Mag Food Device: MEL to level very fast.

Pure RNG Mag

Two Ways to level your RNG Mag

The first and cheapest way of feeding your mag is feeding it 9 Ranged Weapons. It is much cheaper, but the downsides are you have to wait until your mag is ready to be fed again and you MUST make sure you never go above Lvl 0 Dex. To prevent that you need to feed your mag 5 furniture before your mag levels up DEX. If you're in a hurry and are willing to spend the meseta the next method is for you.

The second and more expensive way is giving it Mag Food Device: RNG Mini. It takes 502 Mag Food Device: RNG Mini to level from 1-200 and unlike feeding your Mag you can use all 502 devices back to back. You can reach this option by going to your Mag and instead of clicking "Feed Item" you click "Use Device".

Feed 9 Ranged Weapons and 5 Furniture or Dimates to level Slowly. DO NOT LET DEX LEVEL UP.
Use Mag Food Device: RNG Mini to level fast.
Use Mag Food Device: RNG to level very fast.

Pure TEC Mag

Two Ways to level your TEC Mag

The first and cheapest way of feeding your mag is feeding it 9 TEC Weapons. It is much cheaper, but the downsides are you have to wait until your mag is ready to be fed again and you MUST make sure you never go above Lvl 0 Dex. To prevent that you need to feed your mag 3 or 6 Candy before your mag levels up DEX. If you're in a hurry and are willing to spend the meseta the next method is for you.

The second and more expensive way is giving it Mag Food Device: TEC Mini. It takes 502 Mag Food Device: TEC Mini to level from 1-200 and unlike feeding your Mag you can use all 502 devices back to back. You can reach this option by going to your Mag and instead of clicking "Feed Item" you click "Use Device".

Feed 9 TEC Weapons and 6 Furniture, 3 Candy, or 6 Candy to level Slowly. DO NOT LET DEX LEVEL UP.
Use Mag Food Device: TEC Mini to level fast.
Use Mag Food Device: TEC to level very fast.

Pure Dex Mag

Two Ways to level your Dex Mag

The first and cheapest way of feeding your mag is feeding it PA Disks and Crafted PA Disks. It is much cheaper, but the downsides are you have to wait until your mag is ready to be fed again.

The second and more expensive way is giving it Mag Food Device: DEX Mini. It takes 502 Mag Food Device: DEX Mini to level from 1-200 and unlike feeding your Mag you can use all 502 devices back to back. You can reach this option by going to your Mag and instead of clicking "Feed Item" you click "Use Device".

Feed PA Disks to level Slowly.
Feed Crafted PA Disks to level quicker.
Use Mag Food Device: DEX Mini to level fast.
Use Mag Food Device: DEX to level very fast.

Mag EXP Tables

Equipment (Weapons/Units)

Item Rarity MEL Pwr RNG Pwr TEC Pwr DEX MEL Def RNG Def TEC Def
Melee Weapons
1 +18 0 0 +2 -6 0 0
2 +27 0 0 +3 -9 0 0
3 +36 0 0 +4 -12 0 0
4 +45 0 0 +5 -15 0 0
5 +54 0 0 +6 -18 0 0
6 +63 0 0 +7 -21 0 0
7 +80 0 0 +8 -24 0 0
8 +104 0 0 +9 -27 0 0
9 +128 0 0 +10 -30 0 0
Ranged Weapons
1 0 +18 0 +2 0 -6 0
2 0 +27 0 +3 0 -9 0
3 0 +36 0 +4 0 -12 0
4 0 +45 0 +5 0 -15 0
5 0 +54 0 +6 0 -18 0
6 0 +63 0 +7 0 -21 0
7 0 +80 0 +8 0 -24 0
8 0 +104 0 +9 0 -27 0
9 0 +128 0 +10 0 -30 0
Technique Weapons
1 0 0 +18 +2 0 0 -6
2 0 0 +27 +3 0 0 -9
3 0 0 +36 +4 0 0 -12
4 0 0 +45 +5 0 0 -15
5 0 0 +54 +6 0 0 -18
6 0 0 +63 +7 0 0 -21
7 0 0 +80 +8 0 0 -24
8 0 0 +104 +9 0 0 -27
9 0 0 +128 +10 0 0 -30
Back Units
2 0 0 -9 +3 0 0 +18
3 0 0 -12 +4 0 0 +24
4 0 0 -15 +5 0 0 +30
5 0 0 -18 +6 0 0 +36
6 0 0 -21 +7 0 0 +42
7 0 0 -24 +8 0 0 +80
8 0 0 -27 +9 0 0 +104
9 0 0 -30 +10 0 0 +128
Arm Units
2 0 -9 0 +3 0 +18 0
3 0 -12 0 +4 0 +24 0
4 0 -15 0 +5 0 +30 0
5 0 -18 0 +6 0 +36 0
6 0 -21 0 +7 0 +42 0
7 0 -24 0 +8 0 +80 0
8 0 -27 0 +9 0 +104 0
9 0 -30 0 +10 0 +128 0
Leg Units
2 -9 0 0 +3 +18 0 0
3 -12 0 0 +4 +24 0 0
4 -15 0 0 +5 +30 0 0
5 -18 0 0 +6 +36 0 0
6 -21 0 0 +7 +42 0 0
7 -24 0 0 +8 +80 0 0
8 -27 0 0 +9 +104 0 0
9 -30 0 0 +10 +128 0 0
Sub Units
1 0 0 0 -9 +6 +6 +6
2 0 0 0 -12 +8 +8 +8
3 0 0 0 -15 +10 +10 +10
4 0 0 0 -18 +12 +12 +12
5 0 0 0 -21 +14 +14 +14
7 0 0 0 -27 +18 +18 +18
9 0 0 0 -33 +22 +22 +22


Item Rarity MEL Pwr RNG Pwr TEC Pwr DEX MEL Def RNG Def TEC Def
3 0 0 +32 -32 0 0 0
6 0 0 +64 -64 0 0 0
7 -15 -15 -15 +45 0 0 0
9 +40 +40 +40 -30 -30 -30 -30

Consumable Items, Disks, Furnishing Goods

Item Rarity MEL Pwr RNG Pwr TEC Pwr DEX MEL Def RNG Def TEC Def
1 +4 0 0 -8 +4 0 0
2 0 +4 0 -8 0 +4 0
Shifta Essence
Deband Essence
3 0 0 +4 -8 0 0 +4
Sol Atomizer
4 -2 -2 -2 +4 0 0 0
Star Atomizer
5 +4 +4 +4 -10 0 0 0
Moon Atomizer
Cosmos Atomizer
6 0 0 0 -10 +4 +4 +4
0 0 0 +30 -3 -3 -3
Custom Disk
6 0 0 0 +150 -3 -3 -3
Furnishing Goods
Reform Goods
1 -10 0 0 -10 +5 0 0
2 0 -10 0 -10 0 +5 0
3 0 0 -10 -10 0 0 +5
4 +5 0 0 -10 -10 0 0
5 0 +5 0 -10 0 -10 0
6 0 0 +5 -10 0 0 -10

Other Devices

The method of which these devices are given to the Mag are used by the "Use Device" option.

Food Device

A device that increases certain Support Level stats for the Mag.
Unlike giving the Mag items, giving the Mag Food Devices will not increase the Energy, allowing you to give the Mag as many Food Devices as you like.

Item Rarity MEL Pwr RNG Pwr TEC Pwr DEX MEL Def RNG Def TEC Def
Food Device: MEL Mini
4 +60 0 0 0 0 0 0
Food Device: RNG Mini
4 0 +60 0 0 0 0 0
Food Device: TEC Mini
4 0 0 +60 0 0 0 0
Food Device: DEX Mini
4 0 0 0 +60 0 0 0
Food Device: MEL
7 +720 0 0 0 0 0 0
Food Device: RNG
7 0 +720 0 0 0 0 0
Food Device: TEC
7 0 0 +720 0 0 0 0
Food Device: DEX
7 0 0 0 +720 0 0 0

Mag Level Reduction Device

Can be obtained by exchanging 5 Excubes for one at the Excube Shop.
A device that allows you to decrease any of the chosen Support Levels by 1. This can only be done if the Mag's total level is 101 or higher.
This allows you to fix any Support Levels that may have accidentally gained a level in.