Wind Techniques

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Fire Fire Ice Ice Lightning Lightning Wind Wind Light Light Dark Dark Compound Fused
Wind Techniques
UITechZan.png Zan UITechGizan.png Gizan UITechRazan.png Razan UITechSazan.png Sazan
UITechNazan.png Nazan / Zero UITechIlzan.png Ilzan UITechZanverse.png Zanverse


Wind can inflict the Blind status, which causes enemy attacks to occasionally miss.
Very few bosses have a special interaction with Mirage; the most notable being Dark Falz Luther (Not to be confused with Omega Luther in Episode 5).


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechZan.png Zan Potency 365 429 A novice Wind Technique. Assails a target with razor-sharp boomerangs of wind.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 1s
PP 18
Blinded Blinded 18 20
  • Releases one projectile when uncharged, 3 when charged.
    • The listed power assumes all 3 charged projectiles hitting one target.
  • Each projectile can do one hit per mob per "pass". Each direction change of the projectile enables it to do one more hit per mob.
    • The projectile "turns" after a fixed time
    • The maximum duration of each charged projectile is 15 seconds.
    • The maximum number of "passes" is 14 times.
  • None of the projectiles disappear early unless they hit a wall or the user.
  • The max range of each projectile is about 30M in a straight line. Uncharged, the projectile travels about 75% of that (22-23M).
    • This makes the default projectile speed about 30 when charged
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Intense 1 Charge Time -0.30~0.10s Potency -30~20%
2 Charge Time -0.35~0.15s Potency -25~15%
3 Charge Time -0.40~0.20s Potency -20~10%
Turbulent 1 Potency +20~35% PP Cost +3~10 Speed +10.00
2 Potency +30~50% PP Cost +2~9 Speed +12.00
3 Potency +40~60% PP Cost +2~8 Speed +13.00


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechGizan.png Gizan Potency - 886 An intermediate Wind Technique. Produces a photonically-generated change in atmospheric pressure generating a slicing whirlwind around the user.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 0.75s
PP 16 13
Blinded Blinded 20 22
  • 5 hits total when charged. 4 hits of 10%, one hit of 60%.
    • 1 hit uncharged
  • Does not have any special effects. No suction or launch.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Turbulent 1 Potency +400~440% PP Cost +3~10
2 Potency +440~480% PP Cost +2~9
3 Potency +470~500% Range -0.70~-0.30m
Intense 1 Charge Time -0.50~0.20s Blind Rate -20~10%
2 Charge Time -0.55~0.25s Blind Rate -17~10% PP Cost -2
3 Charge Time -0.55~0.30s Blind Rate -15~10% PP Cost -3


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechRazan.png Razan Potency - 778 An intermediate Wind Technique. Manipulates atmospheric pressure in a targeted area to whip up a damage-dealing tornado.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 1s
PP 20 18
Blinded Blinded 18 20
  • Charged is 34% x 3, or 102% of the given power.
    • Uncharged power is 50% of the given power.
  • Lifts enemies up into the air (those that can be lifted). Causes them to be in a knockdown state too, if they are lifted.
    • On other players screens, this will lift enemies up in the location your Razan was cast. However, this is only if the target is relatively close to where your cast appears on their screen.
      • This also means a different target that isn't the one you target can be lifted up randomly on another player's screen, should mobs become de-synchronized enough.
  • Has unlimited range if free aimed. Can also hit locked-on enemies behind a wall.
    • With no valid target, its maximum cast range is about 30M. Uncharged is half that.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Abundant 1 Hit Interval -0.10~0.01s PP Cost +3~10 (Charged Max Hits +1~2)
2 Hit Interval -0.10~0.01s PP Cost +2~9 Blind Rate +2%
(Charged Max Hits +1~2)
3 Hit Interval -0.10s Potency -20~10% Blind Rate +3%
(Charged Max Hits +2)
Turbulent 1 Potency +320~400% Charge Time +0.10~0.20s
2 Potency +380~450% Charge Time +0.10~0.20s
3 Potency +450~480% Charge Time +0.08~0.18s


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechSazan.png Sazan Potency - 915 An intermediate Wind Technique. Generates a whirlwind in front of the user that draws in surrounding targets.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 0.6s
PP 18
Blinded Blinded 18 20
  • Has a minor suction effect in a small radius.
  • 3 hits of 34% each for a total of 102% listed power.
    • Uncharged does half of the charged power.
  • Has unlimited range if free-aimed. If locked onto an enemy behind a wall, will hit target location unhindered.
    • With no valid target, Sazan's max range is 11M. Uncharged is half of that.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Potent 1 PP Cost -10~1 Potency -30~20%
2 PP Cost -10~1 Potency -30~20% Blind Rate +2%
3 PP Cost -10~1 Potency -25~15% Blind Rate +3%
Turbulent 1 Potency +100~150% Charge Time +0.20~0.40s
2 Potency +150~180% Charge Time +0.15~0.35s
3 Potency +170~200% Charge Time +0.15~0.30s


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechNazan.png Nazan Potency 762 906 An advanced Wind Technique. Blasts the area infront of the user with a condensed burst of wind that is limited in range, but exceptionally powerful.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 1s
PP 16
Blinded Blinded 20 22
  • Range is effectively melee range, similar to what you would get out of a Gunblade slash.
    • Uncharged, the damage and effective range is halved.
  • The technique prioritizes hitting breakables and weakpoints.
  • Does knock back enemies.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Turbulent 1 Potency +20~80% PP Cost +3~10
2 Potency +80~120% PP Cost +2~9
3 Potency +110~150% Blind Rate -18~12%
Intense 1 Charge Time -0.40~0.20s Potency -30~15%
2 Charge Time -0.40~0.20s Potency -30~10% PP Cost -2
3 Charge Time -0.45~0.25s Potency -15~5% PP Cost -3

Zero Nazan

Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechNazan.png Zero Nazan Potency - 1730 Unleashes a vortex of wind. The vortex will stop after moving a certain distance and tear apart any near objects.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 0.8s
PP 25
Blinded Blinded - 10

Custom Type 1: Power +0 ~ +173
Custom Type 2: PP Consumption +0 ~ +10

  • When charged and shot, the wind sphere travels up to about 15M before hovering in place for a second or so. The ball damages enemies until it disappears.
    • The sphere can travel through enemies. It will not travel behind enemy walls or things like TD/MBD Falspawn walls.
    • The sphere does not ever prematurely disappear.
    • Uncharged has the ball do only one hit before disappearing. It also has no knockback in this state.
    • 15M is the same as uncharged Rafoie and Zero Safoie. Realistically, the center of the projectile seems to fall just short of that at about 14.75M.
  • The sphere's range is quite wide in comparison to what the animation displays.
  • If you hit enemies at point blank range, enemies that can be knocked back will be knocked back by it like uncustomized Nazan.
    • If they aren't in melee range, the sphere may travel straight past the intended target and miss.
    • Note that even if enemies are knocked back, they may not end up where the sphere stops at.
  • You can use free aim to shoot the ball into the ground to stop it from traveling too far
    • Can also target a wall to stop the sphere's movement early.
  • Can "hitstun lock" enemies with due to its fast hit rate.
  • 2 hits of 10% power when the sphere travels, 8 hits of 10% once the sphere is in place.


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechIlzan.png Ilzan Potency - 944 An advanced Wind Technique. Manipulates the surrounding air pressure to launch a tornado which draws enemies into its center.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 1s
PP 20
Blinded Blinded 18 20
  • The projectile moves mobs to its center, where they are then hit.
  • Can be useful in lining up mobs
  • The suction range is larger than the projectile itself so an enemy may be suctioned with no damage taken.
  • Knocks enemies down.
  • The max range of the projectile itself is about 50M, about the same as Foie.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Vast 1 Range +0.80~1.00m Blind Rate -18~10%
2 Range +1.00~1.20m Blind Rate -18~10%
3 Range +1.20~1.40m Blind Rate -18~10%
Intense 1 Charge Time -0.30~0.20s Potency -30~10% PP Cost -2
2 Charge Time -0.40~0.20s Potency -30~10% PP Cost -3
3 Charge Time -0.50~0.30s Potency -25~10% PP Cost -4


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechZanverse.png Zanverse Potency 20 A Wind-aspected support Technique. Deploys a field of condensed photons which add additional wind strikes when the user or nearby allies attack.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 1s
PP 20
Blinded Blinded 18 20
  • When cast, Zanverse summons a circle of wind energy. When a player inflicts damage to a target while standing in the field, 20% of the damage inflicted is dealt again as Wind damage.
  • The field stays for about 1.5s if uncharged, 5.5s if charged.
  • Zanverse is unaffected by Perfect Attack.
  • Zanverse damage is affected by innate damage multipliers applicable to a target. For example, the 4x damage multiplier on A.I.S. Exoda will also affect Zanverse damage. However, Blight Round multipliers will not.
  • Zanverse affects A.I.S., but does not affect Turrets or Gun Emplacements.
  • If multiple Zanverse overlap and are cast by multiple people, only the oldest Zanverse takes effect. After it expires, the next oldest takes its place.
  • Like most other support Techniques, casting any support technique that isn't Zondeel prematurely stops the field's effects, despite the animation still playing.
    • Specifically Shifta, Deband, Zanverse, Resta, Anti, and Megiverse share this behavior.
  • Zanverse damage doesn't charge Photon Blast Gauge or Fused Technique gauge.
  • Zanverse damage is attributed to the caster for the purposes of Threat Level. Thus, it is possible to attract enemies' attention with Zanverse.
  • Increasing the skill's level seems to only increase its status effect rate chance.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Intense 1 Charge Time -0.50~0.10s PP Cost +3~10
2 Charge Time -0.50~0.20s PP Cost +2~9
3 Charge Time -0.50~0.30s PP Cost +1~8
Potent 1 PP Cost -10~1 Charge Time +0.20~0.40s
2 PP Cost -10~1 Charge Time +0.20~0.30s
3 PP Cost -10~1 Charge Time +0.15~0.25s
Fire Fire Ice Ice Lightning Lightning Wind Wind Light Light Dark Dark Compound Fused