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===0 Gigrants===
===Zero Gigrants===
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| rowspan="5" | [[File:UITechGigrants.png|link=]]
| rowspan="5" | [[File:UITechGigrants.png|link=]]
| rowspan="5" | 0 Gigrants
| rowspan="5" | Zero Gigrants
| Potency  
| Potency  
| - || 2603
| - || 2603

Revision as of 04:34, 20 November 2020

Fire Fire Ice Ice Lightning Lightning Wind Wind Light Light Dark Dark Compound Fused


Offensive Light Techs can inflict the Panic status. While Panicked, enemies will attempt to attack other enemies. Panic can be inflicted on certain enemies to induce specific effects, such as Anga Phandaj and Profound Darkness.


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechGrants.png Grants Potency - 973 A novice Light Technique. Crystallizes photons to form arrows of light which rain down on a target.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 0.75s
PP 20
Panic Panicked 20 22
  • Generates bullets of light above the target that immediately rain down on it.
    • Uncharged hits for 33% of its power notation. Charged hits for 5 hits for 20% of its power notation.
    • Default effective range is about 50m charged, and 23m-24m uncharged.
    • If Lock-On is being used, this Tech can hit targets behind obstructions.
    • When charged, all hits will connect regardless of any changes in positioning of the target.
    • Can strike a different target if it is in direct proximity to the original target.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Potent 1 PP Cost -10~1 Status Effect Rate -20~10%
2 PP Cost -10~1 Status Effect Rate -15~5%
3 PP Cost -10~1 Status Effect Rate -10~3%
Radiant 1 Potency +100~200% Charge Time +0.10~0.30s
2 Potency +160~260% Charge Time +0.05~0.25s
3 Potency +220~300% Charge Time +0.05~0.20s


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechGigrants.png Gigrants Potency - 981 An intermediate Light Technique. Crystallizes photons to form a blade of light to rend surrounding foes asunder.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 1.20s
PP 25
Panic Panicked 20 22
  • Summons blades of light surrounding the caster or Talis that strikes all nearby targets repeatedly.
    • Uncharged hits 1 time initially, 1 for the "circling blade". Charged hits 1 time initially, 5 hits for the "circling blade".
    • Each hit of the charged version hits for 20% of its power notation, for a total 120% power.
    • Possesses slightly disjointed vertical reach beneath the point of casting. Viable if casting in mid-air or free-aimed with Talis.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Radiant 1 Potency +30~60% Charge Time +0.10~0.30s
2 Potency +60~100% Charge Time +0.05~0.25s
3 Potency +70~110% Status Effect Rate -20~10%
Intense 1 Charge Time -0.40~0.10s Potency -60~10%
2 Charge Time -0.50~0.20s Potency -50~10%
3 Charge Time -0.55~0.35s Potency -30~5%

Zero Gigrants

Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechGigrants.png Zero Gigrants Potency - 2603 Allows you to move while deploying a blade of light. Hold the skill button and let go to unleash an attack of a massive light sword.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 1.70s
PP 20
Panic Panicked - 22

Custom Type 1: Power +0 ~ +185
Custom Type 2: PP Consumption +0 ~ +10

  • Surrounds the caster or Talis with spinning blades of light while charging. When fully charged, releasing the charge causes a massive blade of light to emerge and strike all nearby targets.
    • Consumes 20 PP on startup, then continuously drains 10 PP/sec while charging.
      • Charge PP Revival has no effect while charging this Technique.
      • Initial PP cost can be reduced by PP cost reduction effects such as Combo Var. P.Attack PP Save and Drink effects.
    • Unaffected by Charged Escape, Technique Charge Parry (L), and Jet Boots Combo Variant SC (L).
    • Each tick deals 10% of its power notation during charge. Final blade deals 50% of its power notation.
      • Spinning blades qualify as "normal Techniques" for the purposes of specific Skills and Potentials that increase its power, such as Advanced Normal Tech. The final hit is counted as charged, so skills like Advanced Tech Charge for Force only affects the final hit.
      • Each tick of this Tech hits in roughly 0.35-0.40s intervals (very slightly slower than 0 Ramegid).
    • Final blade has a deceptively wide, lingering hitbox, disjointed vertical reach, and knocks down on hit.


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechRagrants.png Ragrants Potency 1003 1180 An intermediate Light Technique. Crystallizes photons to form a spear of light which is fired forward.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 1s
PP 30
Panic Panicked 20 22
  • Fires a ray of light that pierces targets.
    • Does 1 hit if uncharged, 5 hits if charged.
    • Charged deals 20% of its power notation for 5 hits. Charged range is roughly 13m~14m.
    • Possesses a lingering hitbox. Other actions or recasts can be performed while the beam is active.
    • Slight impact delay between the ray hitting and damage ticking. Delay can be mitigated by casting at point-blank range or at the target's position.
    • Hitbox length is roughly half of what the Tech appears to look like from the side. Also possesses a deceptively wide hitbox width.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Radiant 1 Potency +400~500% PP Cost +3~10
2 Potency +600~700% PP Cost +2~9
3 Potency +720~800% PP Cost +1~8
Intense 1 Charge Time -0.60~0.30s Potency -65~50%
2 Charge Time -0.65~0.35s Potency -60~40%
3 Charge Time -0.70~0.40s Status Effect Rate -20~10%


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechNagrants.png Nagrants Potency - 1226 An advanced Light Technique. Sets up a sphere of light which continuously reflects super-dense photons.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 0.8s
PP 20
Panic Panicked 20 22
  • Generates a field of light energy that repeatedly hits anything that approaches it or within the field itself.
    • Hits for 15% of its power notation per hit, regardless of charge.
    • Uncharged cast hits 3 times for 2s of uptime. Charged cast hits 7 times for 6s of uptime.
    • Strikes targets closer to the point of origin; does not hit multiple enemy parts simultaneously.
    • Significant hitstop and stagger with each hit. Viable for trapping smaller enemies or "walling" them.
    • Slightly smaller radius than Gifoie.
    • Each Nagrants cast will have full effectiveness, regardless of the number deployed at any given instance.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Abundant 1 Hit Interval -0.30~0.20s Charge Time +0.20s~0.30s (Max Charged Hits +1~2)
2 Hit Interval -0.30~0.20s Charge Time +0.15s~0.25s (Max Charged Hits +1~2)
3 Hit Interval -0.30s Charge Time +0.10s~0.20s Status Effect Rate +10%
(Max Charged Hits +2)
Radiant 1 Potency +50~100% PP Cost +3~10
2 Potency +160~190% PP Cost +2~9
3 Potency +170~200% Status Effect Rate -20~10%


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechIlgrants.png Ilgrants Potency 1113 1331 An advanced Light Technique. Crystallizes photons to form droplets of light that pursue targets and explode in a radiant burst
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 1s
PP 25
Panic Panicked 30 40
  • Fires multiple bullets of light that pursue targets. Possess an especially high rate of inflicting Panic.
    • Uncharged Ilgrants strikes for 7% of its notation for 3 hits. Charged cast strikes for 12% of its power notation for 10 hits.
    • Bullets will track your target, but will immediately disperse upon colliding with a valid target or obstacle.
      • Has minor spread if fired while using Lock-On.
      • Bullets can miss if the target if it is too close to the origin of cast.
    • Ilgrants' max distance per projectile is about 60M charged or uncharged (and in a straight line). The projectile stays alive for about 2 seconds. Therefore, the speed of the projectile is 30m/s by default.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Swift 1 Speed +8.00~13.00 Status Effect Rate -40~20% Charge Time -0.10s
2 Speed +10.00~15.00 Status Effect Rate -38~18% Charge Time -0.15s
3 Speed +11.00~17.00 Status Effect Rate -20~10% Charge Time -0.25s
Radiant 1 Potency +200~300% Speed -14.00~12.00
2 Potency +350~420% Speed -16.00~14.00
3 Potency +460~520% Speed -20.00~17.00


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechResta.png Resta Potency 100 116 A Light-aspected healing Technique. Utilizes photons to generate a restorative effect that heals the user and nearby allies.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 1s
PP 30
  • Generates a field that heals players within its area of effect.
    • Heal scales off your base TEC Power. This includes your MAG, all Technique Power Up Skills, and increases to your base TEC Power, such as Photon Flare and Shifta, but excludes your weapon.
    • Calculation for Resta's charged heal per tick is equal to (TEC Power/4)*(Resta Power %)*(Resta Advance)*(Potential).
      • Uncharged heal per tick is equal to ~32% of one charged heal tick.
    • Like most other support Techniques, casting any support Technique that isn't Zondee prematurely stops the field's effects, despite the animation still playing.
    • Specifically Shifta, Deband, Zanverse, Resta, Anti, and Megiverse share this behavior.
    • Base Resta range is approximately 1.5m uncharged, 6m charged. Territory Burst boosts range to roughly 3m uncharged, 10m charged, and Support Range Extender further boosts range to 5m uncharged, 13m charged.
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Abundant 1 Hit Interval -0.30s Potency -20~10% (Max charged hits +1)
2 Hit Interval -0.30s Potency -15~5% (Max charged hits +1)
3 Hit Interval -0.30s Potency -10~3% (Max charged hits +1)
Radiant 1 Potency +20~40% PP Cost +3~10
2 Potency +40~60% PP Cost +2~9
3 Potency +60~90% PP Cost +1~8


Icon Name Stat +1 +17 Description
UITechAnti.png Anti Potency 100 A Light-aspected status recovery Technique. Clears abnormal statuses from the user and nearby allies with a photonic recovery effect.
DEX Correction 100
Charge Time 1s
PP 25
  • Generates a field that cures status conditions. This field heals off all status conditions except for Jellen, Stun, and Blight Rounds.
    • Ticks similarly to Resta, Shifta, and Deband, despite only applying its effect once. Can be deployed early if you predict getting inflicted with the Freeze status, which you are unable to heal out of by yourself normally.
    • Possesses powerful synergy with the Techter Skill "Super Treatment".
Craft Type Merit Demerit Special Effect
Intense 1 Charge Time -0.40~0.10s PP Cost +3~10
2 Charge Time -0.50~0.20s PP Cost +2~9 Range +1.50m
3 Charge Time -0.50~0.20s PP Cost +1~8 Range +2.00m
Potent 1 PP Cost -10~1 Charge Time +0.20~0.30s Range +1.00m
2 PP Cost -10~1 Charge Time +0.15~0.25s Range +1.00m
3 PP Cost -10~1 Charge Time +0.10~0.20s Range +1.00m
Fire Fire Ice Ice Lightning Lightning Wind Wind Light Light Dark Dark Compound Fused