Occuld Genon

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Sword Swords Wired Lance Wired Lances Partisan Partisans Daggers Twin Daggers Double Saber Double Sabers Knuckles Knuckles Katana Katanas Soaring Blades Soaring Blades Gunblade Gunblades
Rifle Assault Rifles Launcher Launchers Twin Machineguns Twin Machine Guns Bow Bows
Rod Rods Talis Talises Wand Wands Jet Boots Jet Boots Harmonizer Harmonizers
Occuld Genon
Rarity: UIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarRainbowIcon.pngUIStarRainbowIcon.png
Req: 460 Dex
Type: Double Saber
Classes: Hunter Fighter Ranger Gunner Force Techter Braver Bouncer Summoner Hero Phantom Etoile Luster
Augment Factor
Augment Factor Phrase Weak
Supported S-Grade Augment Slots
S Grade Augment 2S Grade Augment 3
Elem. Sync: Fire & Ice
Lv. 1
Increase damage by 7% and recover 1% of damage dealt as HP (50 HP MAX) if the weapon element matches the enemy elemental weakness or if the enemy elemental weakness is Fire or Ice.
Lv. 2
Increase damage by 10% and recover 1% of damage dealt as HP (50 HP MAX) if the weapon element matches the enemy elemental weakness or if the enemy elemental weakness is Fire or Ice.
Lv. 3
Increase damage by 14% and recover 1% of damage dealt as HP (50 HP MAX) if the weapon element matches the enemy elemental weakness or if the enemy elemental weakness is Fire or Ice.

Drop Info

Additional Info

This weapon's Potential has the following effect:

  • If the enemy's Elemental Weakness is Fire, Ice, or this Weapon's Element, increases damage dealt and recovers HP.
    • It does not depend on the Element of the attack. For example, even when equipping a Lightning weapon and attack with the Wind Technique Zan, the effect will work if the enemy's Elemental Weakness is Fire, Ice, or Lightning.
    • On the contrary, even when attacking an enemy that is weak to Wind under the above conditions with Zan, the effect will not be applied.
    • Even if multiple Elements match, the effects will not by duplicated.
    • If the Element of the weapon have been changed due to Jet Boots Focus, etc., it will refer to the changed Element.
  • If the conditions are not met, not only there is no increased damage, but there will not be HP recovery either.

Collapse14 Occuld Series
Sword Occuld Diene

Wired Lance Occuld Gulz
Partisan Occuld Gunas
Daggers Occuld Bessett
Double Saber Occuld Genon
Knuckles Occuld Genes
Katana Occuld Reng
Soaring Blades Occuld Zalque
Gunblade Occuld Haluv
Rifle Occuld Lombelle
Launcher Occuld Rugia
Twin Machineguns Occuld Fugit
Bow Occuld Esvea
Rod Occuld Ternase
Talis Occuld Ogend
Wand Occuld Rexiord
Jet Boots Occuld Farnado

CollapseRelated Camos
Weapon Camo * Occuld Crypte