User:Jared Dejicai/Zig's Workbench

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NGS Weapon Camo IconWeapon Camos | NGS Weapon Camo IconMulti-type Weapon Camos | NGS Weapon Camo IconAll-type Weapon Camos | Weapon CamoWeapon Camos (PSO2)
Sword (NGS) Sword Camos Wired Lance (NGS) Wired Lance Camos Partizan (NGS) Partisan Camos Daggers (NGS) Twin Dagger Camos Double Saber (NGS) Double Saber Camos Knuckles (NGS) Knuckle Camos Katana (NGS) Katana Camos Soaring Blades (NGS) Soaring Blade Camos
Rifle (NGS) Assault Rifle Camos Launcher (NGS) Launcher Camos Twin Machineguns (NGS) Twin Machine Gun Camos Bow (NGS) Bow Camos Gunblade (NGS)Gunblade Camos
Rod (NGS) Rod Camos Talis (NGS) Talis Camos Wand (NGS) Wand Camos Jet Boots (NGS) Jet Boot Camos Harmonizer (NGS) Harmonizer Camos

Weapon Camos

Name Method of Acquisition Weapon Category
  • NGSUIItemRelikAxeon.png
  • * Relik Axeon

Special Scratch: Special Scratch
4/?/2023 - TBA
This item is Account Bound

  • Gunblade (NGS)

Slayer Operation Ticket Exchange

  • Gunblade (NGS)

Slayer Operation Ticket Exchange

  • Gunblade (NGS)
  • NGSUIItemCrystiaSword.png
  • * Crystia Almati

Slayer Operation Ticket Exchange

  • Sword (NGS) Wired Lance (NGS) Partizan (NGS) Daggers (NGS) Double Saber (NGS) Knuckles (NGS) Katana (NGS) Soaring Blades (NGS) Rifle (NGS) Launcher (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS) Bow (NGS) Rod (NGS) Talis (NGS) Wand (NGS) Jet Boots (NGS) Harmonizer (NGS)
  • NGSUIItemTenebrousSword.png
  • * Tenebrous Almati

Slayer Operation Ticket Exchange

  • Sword (NGS) Wired Lance (NGS) Partizan (NGS) Daggers (NGS) Double Saber (NGS) Knuckles (NGS) Katana (NGS) Soaring Blades (NGS) Rifle (NGS) Launcher (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS) Bow (NGS) Rod (NGS) Talis (NGS) Wand (NGS) Jet Boots (NGS) Harmonizer (NGS)
  • NGSUIItemTrunkulSword.png
  • * Trunkul Almati

Slayer Operation Ticket Exchange

  • Sword (NGS) Wired Lance (NGS) Partizan (NGS) Daggers (NGS) Double Saber (NGS) Knuckles (NGS) Katana (NGS) Soaring Blades (NGS) Rifle (NGS) Launcher (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS) Bow (NGS) Rod (NGS) Talis (NGS) Wand (NGS) Jet Boots (NGS) Harmonizer (NGS)

AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories
Bonus for Scratching 65 times

SG Scratch: Halpha ARKS Revival
This item is Account Bound

  • Sword (NGS) Wired Lance (NGS) Partizan (NGS) Daggers (NGS) Double Saber (NGS) Knuckles (NGS) Katana (NGS) Soaring Blades (NGS) Rifle (NGS) Launcher (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS) Bow (NGS) Rod (NGS) Talis (NGS) Wand (NGS) Jet Boots (NGS) Harmonizer (NGS)
  • UIItemTalonSchneider.png
  • * Talon Wolk
    Usable in Classic


  • Gunblade (NGS)
  • UIItemVictoireEhre.png
  • * Victoire Ehre
    Usable in Classic

AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories
Bonus for Scratching 15 times

This item is Account Bound

  • Gunblade (NGS)
  • UIItemGlaubenEhre.png
  • * Glauben Ehre
    Usable in Classic

AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories
Bonus for Scratching 15 times

This item is Account Bound

  • Gunblade (NGS)
  • UIItemSuperbiaEhre.png
  • * Superbia Ehre
    Usable in Classic

AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories
Bonus for Scratching 15 times

This item is Account Bound

  • Gunblade (NGS)
  • * Lumissa
    Usable in Classic

Special Scratch: Special Scratch
?/?/2023 - TBA

  • Knuckles (NGS)
  • * Lumigalak
    Usable in Classic

Special Scratch: Special Scratch
?/?/2023 - TBA

  • Twin Machineguns (NGS)
  • NGSUIItemEvoleclipseSword.png
  • * Evoleclipse Almati

Special Scratch: Special Scratch
?/?/2023 - TBA


Special Scratch: Special Scratch
?/?/2023 - TBA
This item is Account Bound

  • Sword (NGS) Wired Lance (NGS) Partizan (NGS) Daggers (NGS) Double Saber (NGS) Knuckles (NGS) Katana (NGS) Soaring Blades (NGS) Gunblade (NGS) Rifle (NGS) Launcher (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS) Bow (NGS) Rod (NGS) Talis (NGS) Wand (NGS) Jet Boots (NGS)
  • NGSUIItemRokzRoughewnSword.png
  • * Rokz Weapol Almati

Special Scratch: Special Scratch
?/?/2023 - TBA
This item is Account Bound

  • Sword (NGS) Wired Lance (NGS) Partizan (NGS) Daggers (NGS) Double Saber (NGS) Knuckles (NGS) Katana (NGS) Soaring Blades (NGS) Gunblade (NGS) Rifle (NGS) Launcher (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS) Bow (NGS) Rod (NGS) Talis (NGS) Wand (NGS) Jet Boots (NGS) Harmonizer (NGS)
  • NGSUIItemRuggedSword.png
  • * Rugged Almati

Special Scratch: Special Scratch
?/?/2023 - TBA
This item is Account Bound

  • Sword (NGS) Wired Lance (NGS) Partizan (NGS) Daggers (NGS) Double Saber (NGS) Knuckles (NGS) Katana (NGS) Soaring Blades (NGS) Gunblade (NGS) Rifle (NGS) Launcher (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS) Bow (NGS) Rod (NGS) Talis (NGS) Wand (NGS) Jet Boots (NGS) Harmonizer (NGS)

Camo Tools

Name Method of Acquisition Weapon Category
  • NGSUIItemWeaponStealthing.png

  • Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable

    Color Matches Outfit/[In]
    Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable

    Usable in Classic

Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant-coolab camos

Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant


AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories
Bonus for Scratching 65 times

SG Scratch: Halpha ARKS Revival
This item is Account Bound

  • Sword (NGS) Wired Lance (NGS) Partizan (NGS) Daggers (NGS) Double Saber (NGS) Knuckles (NGS) Katana (NGS) Soaring Blades (NGS) Gunblade (NGS) Rifle (NGS) Launcher (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS) Bow (NGS) Rod (NGS) Talis (NGS) Wand (NGS) Jet Boots (NGS) Harmonizer (NGS)
  • UIItemWeaponStealthing.png
  • * Weapon Stealthing
    Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
    Usable in Classic

Mission Badge Swap Shop
Mission Badge x 100 (Lv. 76+) (Lv. 1+)

  • Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer

Mission Pass

Season 7 (September 2nd, 2020 to September 29th, 2020)

Tier Preview Normal Rewards Preview Gold Rewards
1 Devil Horns Red.png Devil Horns Black.png UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Devil Horns: Red, Devil Horns: Black,
Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2,
Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
2 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 3 x10 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 3 x15
3 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
4 UIItemApoptosis.png * Apoptosis UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x4
5 Luminous Princess Head.png Luminous Princess Body.png Luminous Princess Arms.png Luminous Princess Legs.png Luminous Princess Face Red.png Luminous Princess Face Blue.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Luminous Princess Head, Luminous Princess Body, Luminous Princess Arms,
Luminous Princess Legs, Luminous Princess Face: Red, Luminous Princess Face: Blue, EX-Cube x1, Photon Sphere x3
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x6, Triboost +100% x2, EX-Cube x1,
Photon Sphere x3
6 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 Cyber Goggles A.png Cyber Goggles B.png UIItemStarGem.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemStarGem.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Cyber Goggles A, Cyber Goggles B, SG 5 Ticket x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
7 UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
8 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Daybreak Defender.png Daybreak Helmet.png Daybreak Mask.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Daybreak Defender, Daybreak Helmet, Daybreak Mask, Mission Badge x10
[Group 2]
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x13
9 UIItemAugmentationAid2.png Augmentation Aid +10% x2
10 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 3 x10 Ancient Plate Head.png Ancient Plate Body.png Ancient Plate Arms.png Ancient Plate Legs.png UIItemPass.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemPass.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Ancient Plate Head, Ancient Plate Body, Ancient Plate Arms,
Ancient Plate Legs, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 3 x15
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2,
Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 3 x15
11 UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 UIItemProfoundDarknessDoll.png Profound Darkness Doll Nyau Swim Ring.png Sidelock Extensions.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Nyau Swim Ring, Sidelock Extensions, Triboost +50% x3
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +50% x3
13 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
14 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5
15 UIItemMeleeCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemRangedCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemTechniqueCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
[Group 2]
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
[Group 3]
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10
17 UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 3 x10 Daybreak Warrior.png Daybreak Long Hair.png Daybreak Hairband.png Daybreak Eyepatch.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Daybreak Warrior, Daybreak Long Hair, Daybreak Hairband, Daybreak Eyepatch, Rising Weapons Badge 3 x15
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2,
Rising Weapons Badge 3 x15
19 UIItemAugmentationAid2.png Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% UIItemToyFighter.png UIItemPass.png UIItemTriboost50%.png * Toy Fighter, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5
23 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
24 UIItemTicket.png Photon Chair (Rappy) UIItemMagDeviceLuthy.png UIItemMissionBadge.png Evolution Device: Luthy, Mission Badge x10
25 UIItemPhotonSphere.png UIItemEX-Cube.png Photon Sphere x3, EX-Cube
26 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 3 x10 UIItemFreshCandy.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
* Fresh Candy, Rising Weapons Badge 3 x15
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2,
Rising Weapons Badge 3 x15
27 Enigmatic Rebellion.png Off Center Wild Mullet.png Rebellion Mask.png UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Enigmatic Rebellion, Off- Center Wild Mullet, Rebellion Mask, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Crazy Kitten.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Crazy Kitten, Triboost +50% x3
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% Beybarrel Head.png Beybarrel Body.png Beybarrel Arms.png Beybarrel Legs.png UIItemAugmentationAid2.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemAugmentationAid2.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Beybarrel Head, Beybarrel Body, Beybarrel Arms,
Beybarrel Legs, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Rejelan Head.png Rejelan Body.png Rejelan Arms.png Rejelan Legs.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Rejelan Head, Rejelan Body, Rejelan Arms, Rejelan Legs
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 UIItemExperienceEarned150.png EXP Earned +100% x3 Daybreak Defender.png Daybreak Helmet.png Daybreak Mask.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Daybreak Warrior.png Daybreak Long Hair.png Daybreak Hairband.png Daybreak Eyepatch.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
Ancient Plate Head.png Ancient Plate Body.png Ancient Plate Arms.png Ancient Plate Legs.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Luminous Princess Head.png Luminous Princess Body.png Luminous Princess Arms.png Luminous Princess Legs.png Luminous Princess Face Red.png Luminous Princess Face Blue.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Daybreak Defender, Daybreak Helmet, Daybreak Mask, Mission Badge x3
[Group 2]
Daybreak Warrior, Daybreak Long Hair, Daybreak Hairband, Daybreak Eyepatch, Mission Badge x2
[Group 3]
Ancient Plate Head, Ancient Plate Body, Ancient Plate Arms,
Ancient Plate Legs, Mission Badge x2
[Group 4]
Luminous Princess Head, Luminous Princess Body, Luminous Princess Arms,
Luminous Princess Legs, Luminous Princess Face: Red, Luminous Princess Face: Blue
32 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 Cyber Goggles A.png UIItemStarGem.png UIItemPass.png
Cyber Goggles B.png UIItemStarGem.png UIItemPass.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Cyber Goggles A, SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
[Group 2]
Cyber Goggles B, SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x3 UIItemMeleeCapsule.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Affix Augment (Melee)
[Group 2]
Affix Augment (Ranged)
[Group 3]
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Cabracan Mask.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
Camelot Mask.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Cabracan Mask, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
[Group 2]
Camelot Mask, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
35 UIItemRDRBoost3.png Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Enigmatic Rebellion.png Off Center Wild Mullet.png Rebellion Mask.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Crazy Kitten.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Beybarrel Head.png Beybarrel Body.png Beybarrel Arms.png Beybarrel Legs.png
Rejelan Head.png Rejelan Body.png Rejelan Arms.png Rejelan Legs.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Enigmatic Rebellion, Off- Center Wild Mullet, Rebellion Mask, Mission Badge x1
[Group 2]
Crazy Kitten, Mission Badge x3
[Group 3]
Beybarrel Head, Beybarrel Body, Beybarrel Arms, Beybarrel Legs
[Group 4]
Rejelan Head, Rejelan Body, Rejelan Arms, Rejelan Legs