User:Jared Dejicai/Zig's Workbench

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Stil Series Exchange

Material Required

Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
15 Material UIItemLumincrystalGrania.png Lumincrystal Grania Limited Arks Mission
Divide Medal Shop
Divide Quests
Armada Medal Shop
A large amount of data created when luminmechs battle data is analyzed.
Required to create certain rare weapons.
10 Material UIItemLuminfragmentEmel.png Luminfragment Emel Mission Pass S12 Normal Tier 30 Reward
Divide Medal Shop
Divide Quests
A small amount of data created when luminmechs battle data is analyzed.
Required to create certain rare weapons.
13 Material UIItemModuleVaruna.png Module - Varuna Divide Quests A material found in battle with the simulated God of Justice in Divide Quests.
Required to create certain rare weapons.
13 Material UIItemModuleMitra.png Module - Mitra Divide Quests A material found in battle with the simulated Goddess of Deceit in Divide Quests.
Required to create certain rare weapons.
13 Material UIItemModuleExegul.png Module - Exegul Divide Quests A material found in battle with large simulated luminmech in Divide Quests.
Required to create certain rare weapons.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
15 Sword UIItemTrailblazerSwordDimexion.png Gen Steel+35 Gen Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
15 Wired Lance UIItemTrailblazerWhipAlxion.png Cruva Steel+35 Cruva Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Partisan UIItemTrailblazerPartisanAdoraxion.png Rau Steel+35 Rau Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Daggers UIItemTrailblazerBladesObsaxion.png Dao Steel+35 Dao Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Double Saber UIItemTrailblazerCutterResurrexion.png Presa Steel+35 Presa Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments FighterEtoile
15 Knuckles UIItemFolzaSteel.png Folza Steel+35 Folza Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Gunblade UIItemVladeSteel.png Vlade Steel+35 Vlade Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
15 Katana UIItemTrailblazerKatanaFloraxion.png Petra Steel+35 Petra Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments BraverPhantom
15 Soaring Blades UIItemTrailblazerSoaringCreaxion.png Karaba Steel+35 Karaba Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments BouncerEtoile
15 Rifle UIItemTrailblazerRifleAmbixion.png Carbine Steel+35 Carbine Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunnerPhantom
15 Launcher UIItemMoleSteel.png Mole Steel+35 Mole Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
15 Twin Machineguns UIItemTrailblazerBulletEjecuxion.png Vai Steel+35 Vai Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
15 Bow UIItemArcoSteel.png Arco Steel+35 Arco Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Rod UIItemTrailblazerRodSalvaxion.png Magi Steel+35 Magi Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForcePhantom
15 Talis UIItemPuschkeSteel.png Puschke Steel+35 Puschke Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
15 Wand UIItemTrailblazerCaneAspiraxion.png Vania Steel+35 Vania Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments TechterEtoile
15 Jet Boots UIItemDinoSteel.png Dino Steel+35 Dino Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
15 Harmonizer UIItemTrailblazerNoteCanxion.png Ban Steel +35 Ban Puras +35 x1
Luminfragment Emel x500
Lumincrystal Grania x6
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Exegul x50
Carries over only the equipment's Grind Summoner

Puras Series Exchange

Material Required

Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
15 Material UIItemLumincrystalGrania.png Lumincrystal Grania Divide Medal Shop
Divide Quests
Armada Medal Shop
A large amount of data created when luminmechs battle data is analyzed.
Required to create certain rare weapons.
10 Material UIItemLuminfragmentEmel.png Luminfragment Emel Mission Pass S12 Normal Tier 30 Reward
Divide Medal Shop
Divide Quests
A small amount of data created when luminmechs battle data is analyzed.
Required to create certain rare weapons.
7 Material UIItemPurePhoton.png Pure Photon Seasonal Urgent Quests A pure photon crystal created rarely when using Photons in battle. Can be imbued with various properties.
12 Tool UIItemPhotonBooster.png Ultimate Booster Photon Shop
Ultimate Quest Boss Drop
A Broken World of Twisted Shadow (XH)
By promoting other photons to enter the same state, this allows for a targeted energy level concentration.
Used for unlocking Ultimate Potentials.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
15 Sword UIItemAtlasFarderEX.png Gen Puras+35 Dim Sword +35 x1
Oblisana Wucht +35 x1
Dein Hespelaro +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
15 Wired Lance UIItemAtlasWeiszEX.png Cruva Puras+35 Dim Lance +35 x1
Accure Charis +35 x1
Pride of Seiryu +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Partisan UIItemAtlasVictoEX.png Rau Puras+35 Dim Partisan +35 x1
Randedor Orb +35 x1
Anacates Caethia +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Daggers UIItemAtlasLoqueEX.png Dao Puras+35 Dim Twin Daggers +35 x1
Genon Zafira +35 x1
Pride of Byakko +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Double Saber UIItemAtlasVireEX.png Presa Puras+35 Dim Double Saber +35 x1
Tollbion Orb +35 x1
Anacates Cyan +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments FighterEtoile
15 Knuckles UIItemAtlasVadiEX.png Folza Puras+35 Dim Knuckles +35 x1
Bayonect Orb +35 x1
Pride of Genbu +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Gunblade UIItemVladePuras.png Vlade Puras+35 Dim Gunblade +35 x1
Bayonect Orb +35 x1
Anacates Himmel +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
15 Katana UIItemAtlasValuaEX.png Petra Puras+35 Dim Katana +35 x1
Lepshtain Orb +35 x1
Resonant Talmei +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments BraverPhantom
15 Soaring Blades UIItemAtlasSlechtEX.png Karaba Puras+35 Dim Soaring Blades +35 x1
Orgei Malice +35 x1
Serpent Blazes +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments BouncerEtoile
15 Rifle UIItemAtlasDracheEX.png Carbine Puras+35 Dim Rifle +35 x1
Aproth Orb +35 x1
Genon Savah +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunnerPhantom
15 Launcher UIItemMolePuras.png Mole Puras+35 Dim Launcher +35 x1
Oblisana Fersa +35 x1
Combat Cannon +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
15 Twin Machineguns UIItemAtlasRaddaEX.png Vai Puras+35 Dim Twin Machine Guns +35 x1
Geamorta Orb +35 x1
Dyne Ombros +35 x1
Luminmech Grainne Crystal x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
15 Bow UIItemArcoPuras.png Arco Puras+35 Dim Bow +35 x1
Genon Ein +35 x1
Hard Cross Bullet +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Rod UIItemAtlasZemsEX.png Magi Puras+35 Dim Rod +35 x1
Talishanthe Orb +35 x1
Resonant Tefillah +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForcePhantom
15 Talis UIItemPuschkePuras.png Puschke Puras+35 Dim Talis +35 x1
Oblisana Walze +35 x1
Dyne Fectus +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
15 Wand UIItemAtlasEythEX.png Vania Puras+35 Dim Wand +35 x1
Kwadarca Orb +35 x1
Clarte Dolce +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments TechterEtoile
15 Jet Boots UIItemDinoPuras.png Dino Puras+35 Dim Jet Boots +35 x1
Teapatera Orb +35 x1
Serpent Prenzer +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
15 Harmonizer UIItemAtlasExocetEX.png Ban Puras+35 Dim Harmonizer +35 x1
Millioraj Orb +35 x1
Lumincrystal Grania x2
Luminfragment Emel x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Summoner

Klauz Unit


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
13 Back Unit 64px Arms / Klauzdine? Primordial Darkstone Deimos x50
Module - Shiva x20
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Exegul x50
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
MEL +120
RNG +120
TEC +120
Fire Resist +3%
Ice Resist +3%
Lightning Resist +3%
Wind Resist +3%
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +4%
13 Arm Unit UIItemKlauznum.png Arms / Klauznum Primordial Darkstone Deimos x50
Module - Shiva x10
Module - Mitra x50
Module - Varuna x25
Module - Exegul x50
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
MEL +60
RNG +60
TEC +60
Fire Resist +3%
Ice Resist +3%
Lightning Resist +3%
Wind Resist +3%
MEL Resist +7%
RNG Resist +7%
TEC Resist +7%
13 Leg Unit UIItemKlauzment.png Legs / Klauzment Primordial Darkstone Deimos x50
Module - Shiva x10
Module - Mitra x25
Module - Varuna x50
Module - Exegul x50
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
MEL +80
RNG +80
TEC +80
Fire Resist +3%
Ice Resist +3%
Lightning Resist +3%
Wind Resist +3%
MEL Resist +6%
RNG Resist +6%
TEC Resist +6%

Ceres Zara Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material 64px Yellow Hunting Stone Free Field XH Area Drop


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
12 Back Unit UIItemZaraCeratops.png Back / Zara Ceratops Back / Ceres Arloon x1
Yellow Hunting Stone x400
Grind/Augments carry over HP+80
Dex +40
MEL +30
RNG +30
TEC +30
MEL Resist +3%
RNG Resist +3%
TEC Resist +3%
12 Arm Unit UIItemZaraArloon.png Arms / Zara Arloon Arms / Ceres Arloon x1
Yellow Hunting Stone x400
Grind/Augments carry over HP+80
Dex +40
MEL +30
RNG +30
TEC +30
MEL Resist +3%
RNG Resist +3%
TEC Resist +3%
12 Leg Unit UIItemZaraMaunia.png Legs / Zara Maunia Legs / Ceres Maunia x1
Yellow Hunting Stone x400
Grind/Augments carry over HP+80
Dex +40
MEL +30
RNG +30
TEC +30
MEL Resist +3%
RNG Resist +3%
TEC Resist +3%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
14 Sword UIItemCeresFoulsZara.png Ceres Fouls-Zara+35 Ceres Fouls+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
14 Wired Lance UIItemCeresAggratorZara.png Ceres Aggrator-Zara+35 Ceres Aggrator+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Partisan UIItemCeresKronisZara.png Ceres Kronis-Zara+35 Ceres Kronis+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Daggers UIItemCeresAustelphZara.png Ceres Austelph-Zara+35 Ceres Austelph+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Double Saber UIItemCeresAphacerosZara.png Ceres Aphaceros-Zara+35 Ceres Aphaceros+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments FighterEtoile
14 Knuckles UIItemCeresFasonteZara.png Ceres Fasonte-Zara+35 Ceres Fasonte+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Gunblade UIItemCeresLavereZara.png Ceres Lavere-Zara+35 Ceres Lavere+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncer
14 Katana UIItemCeresDasauroZara.png Ceres Dasauro-Zara+35 Ceres Dasauro+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments BraverPhantom
14 Soaring Blades UIItemCeresSpiradonZara.png Ceres Spiradon-Zara+35 Ceres Spiradon+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments BouncerEtoile
14 Rifle UIItemCeresIvatosZara.png Ceres Ivatos-Zara+35 Ceres Ivatos+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunnerPhantom
14 Launcher UIItemCeresFadrophsZara.png Ceres Fadrophs-Zara+35 Ceres Fadrophs+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
14 Twin Machineguns 64px Ceres Zerostiga-Zara+35 Ceres Zerostiga+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
14 Bow UIItemCeresGenonixZara.png Ceres Genonix-Zara+35 Ceres Genonix+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Rod UIItemCeresPhonopsZara.png Ceres Phonops-Zara+35 Ceres Phonops+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForcePhantom
14 Talis UIItemCeresDictheusZara.png Ceres Dictheus-Zara+35 Ceres Dictheus+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
14 Wand UIItemCeresIgnatosZara.png Ceres Ignatos-Zara+35 Ceres Ignatos+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments TechterEtoile
14 Jet Boots UIItemCeresNecrusZara.png Ceres Necrus-Zara+35 Ceres Necrus+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Harmonizer UIItemCeresSycophusZara.png Ceres Sycophus-Zara +35 Ceres Sycophus+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind Summoner