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=Starquake Series Exchange=
=Starquake Xion Series Exchange=
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=Trailblazer Series Exchange=
=Trailblazer Xion Series Exchange=
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Revision as of 03:11, 11 November 2020

Ceres Zara Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material 64px Yellow Hunting Stone Free Field XH Area Drop


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
12 Back Unit UIItemOfzeterious.png Back / Ceres Back / Ceres x1
Yellow Hunting Stone x400
Grind/Augments carry over HP+80
Dex +40
MEL +30
RNG +30
TEC +30
MEL Resist +3%
RNG Resist +3%
TEC Resist +3%
12 Arm Unit UIItemOfzende.png Arms / Ceres Arms / Ceres x1
Yellow Hunting Stone x400
Grind/Augments carry over HP+80
Dex +40
MEL +30
RNG +30
TEC +30
MEL Resist +3%
RNG Resist +3%
TEC Resist +3%
12 Leg Unit UIItemOfzetrogie.png Legs / Ceres Legs / Ceres x1
Yellow Hunting Stone x400
Grind/Augments carry over HP+80
Dex +40
MEL +30
RNG +30
TEC +30
MEL Resist +3%
RNG Resist +3%
TEC Resist +3%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
14 Sword 64px Ceres +35 Ceres Sword+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
14 Wired Lance 64px Ceres +35 Ceres Sword+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Partisan 64px Ceres +35 Ceres Sword+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Daggers 64px Ceres +35 Ceres Sword+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Double Saber 64px Ceres +35 Ceres Sword+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Knuckles 64px Ceres +35 Ceres Sword+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Gunblade 64px Ceres Raeir Zara+35 Ceres Raeir+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncerRangerGunnerBraverForceTechterSummonerHeroPhantomEtoileLuster
14 Katana 64px Ceres Dasaro Zara+35 Ceres Dasaro+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Soaring Blades UIItemCeresSpiradonZara.png Ceres Spiradon Zara+35 Ceres Spiradon+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Rifle UIItemCeresIvatosZara.png Ceres Ivatos Zara+35 Ceres Ivatos+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
14 Launcher 64px Ceres Hadolophus Zara+35 Ceres Hadolophus+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
14 Twin Machineguns 64px Ceres Zeostega Zara+35 Ceres Zeostega+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
14 Bow 64px Ceres Genonics Zara+35 Ceres Genonics Zara+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Rod 64px Ceres +35 Ceres Sword+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
14 Talis 64px Ceres +35 Ceres Sword+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
14 Wand 64px Ceres +35 Ceres Sword+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
14 Jet Boots 64px Ceres +35 Ceres Sword+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Harmonizer 64px Ceres +35 Ceres Sword+35
Yellow Hunting Stone x900
Carries over the equipment's Grind Summoner

Profound Xion Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemVoidErebiteFragment.png Void Erebite Fragment Coming Soon


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword 64px Profound Sword Dimecion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wired Lance 64px Profound Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Partisan 64px Profound Partisan Adoracion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Daggers 64px Profound Blades Obsesion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Double Saber 64px Profound Cutter Resurreccion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Knuckles 64px Profound Fist Assacion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Gunblade 64px Profound Sabre Intencion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Katana 64px Profound Katana Floracion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Soaring Blades 64px Profound Soaring Creacion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rifle 64px Profound Rifle Ambicion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Launcher 64px Profound Launcher Vacilacion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Twin Machineguns 64px Profound Ejecusion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Bow 64px Profound Bow Obligacion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod 64px Profound Rod Salvacion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Talis 64px Profound Talis Oracion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wand 64px Profound Cane Aspiracion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Jet Boots 64px Profound Boot Benedicion Void Erebite Fragment x15 Light 30
Affix Persona Reverie
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Harmonizer 64px Profound Note Cancion Void Erebite Fragment x15 None Summoner

Starquake Xion Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemVoidErebiteFragment.png Void Erebite Fragment Coming Soon


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
12 Back Unit UIItemOfzeterious.png Back / Starquake Void Erebite Fragment x 50 Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
MEL +25
RNG +25
TEC +25
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +4%
Dark Resist +4%
12 Arm Unit UIItemOfzende.png Arms / Starquake Void Erebite Fragment x 50 Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
MEL +25
RNG +25
TEC +25
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +4%
Dark Resist +4%
12 Leg Unit UIItemOfzetrogie.png Legs / Starquake Void Erebite Fragment x 50 Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
MEL +25
RNG +25
TEC +25
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +4%
Dark Resist +4%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
14 Sword 64px Starquake Sword Dimecion+35 Profound Sword Dimecion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
14 Wired Lance 64px Starquake +35 Profound Weapon +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Partisan 64px Starquake Partisan Adoracion+35 Profound Partisan Adoracion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
14 Daggers 64px Starquake Blades Obsesion+35 Profound Blades Obsesion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Double Saber 64px Starquake Cutter Resurreccion+35 Profound Cutter Resurreccion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Knuckles 64px Starquake Fist Assacion+35 Profound Fist Assacion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
14 Gunblade 64px Starquake Sabre Intencion+35 Profound Sabre Intencion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncerRangerGunnerBraverForceTechterSummonerHeroPhantomEtoileLuster
14 Katana 64px Starquake Katana Floracion+35 Profound Katana Floracion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Soaring Blades 64px Starquake Soaring Creacion+35 Profound Soaring Creacion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Rifle 64px Starquake Rifle Ambicion+35 Profound Rifle Ambicion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
14 Launcher 64px Starquake Launcher Vacilacion+35 Profound Launcher Vacilacion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
14 Twin Machineguns 64px Starquake Ejecusion+35 Profound Ejecusion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
14 Bow 64px Starquake Bow Obligacion+35 Profound Bow Obligacion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
14 Rod 64px Starquake Rod Salvacion+35 Profound Rod Salvacion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
14 Talis 64px Starquake Talis Oracion+35 Profound Talis Oracion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
14 Wand 64px Starquake Cane Aspiracion+35 Profound Cane Aspiracion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
14 Jet Boots 64px Starquake Boot Benedicion+35 Profound Boot Benedicion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
14 Harmonizer 64px Starquake Note Cancion +35 Profound Note Cancion +35
Any Detonation Weapon +35 x1
Any Claudium Weapon +35 x1
Any Allure Weapon +35 x1
Any Xerraire Weapon +35 x1
Void Erebite Fragment x 150
Carries over only the equipment's Grind Summoner

Trailblazer Xion Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemVoidErebiteFragment.png Void Erebite Fragment Coming Soon
10 Tool UIItemEX-Cube.png EX-Cube Daily ARKS mission (Lv. 51+)
Swap Shop
Title reward
NPC Gifts(One Time Only)
A special crystal given to those who seek strength. Material subject to barter.
15 Material UIItemFoundersAmphirite.png Founder's Amphirite Mission Pass 9 Tier 30 reward
Title Reward
The Specter of Tragedy


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
13 Back Unit 64px Back / Trailblazer Back / Trailblazer x1
Void Erebite Fragment x100
Grind/Augments carry over HP+100
MEL +65
RNG +65
TEC +65
MEL Resist +6%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
Dark Resist +5%
13 Arm Unit 64px Arms / Trailblazer Arms / Trailblazer x1
Void Erebite Fragment x100
Grind/Augments carry over HP+100
MEL +65
RNG +65
TEC +65
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +6%
TEC Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
Dark Resist +5%
13 Leg Unit 64px Legs / Trailblazer Legs / Trailblazer x1
Void Erebite Fragment x100
Grind/Augments carry over HP+100
MEL +65
RNG +65
TEC +65
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +6%
Light Resist +5%
Dark Resist +5%
12 Back Unit 64px Back / Trailblazer Back / Starquake x1
Void Erebite Fragment x50
Grind/Augments carry over HP+100
MEL +50
RNG +50
TEC +50
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
Dark Resist +5%
12 Arm Unit 64px Arms / Trailblazer Arms / Starquake x1
Void Erebite Fragment x50
Grind/Augments carry over HP+100
MEL +50
RNG +50
TEC +50
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
Dark Resist +5%
12 Leg Unit 64px Legs / Trailblazer Legs / Starquake x1
Void Erebite Fragment x50
Grind/Augments carry over HP+100
MEL +50
RNG +50
TEC +50
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
Dark Resist +5%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
15 Sword 64px Trailblazer Sword Dimecion+35 Starquake Sword Dimecion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
15 Wired Lance 64px Trailblazer +35 Starquake +35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Partisan 64px Trailblazer Partisan Adoracion+35 Starquake Partisan Adoracion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Daggers 64px Trailblazer Blades Obsesion+35 Starquake Blades Obsesion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Double Saber 64px Trailblazer Cutter Resurreccion+35 Starquake Cutter Resurreccion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Knuckles 64px Trailblazer Fist Assacion+35 Starquake Fist Assacion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Gunblade 64px Trailblazer Sabre Intencion+35 Starquake Sabre Intencion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncerRangerGunnerBraverForceTechterSummonerHeroPhantomEtoileLuster
15 Katana 64px Trailblazer Katana Floracion+35 Starquake Katana Floracion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Soaring Blades 64px Trailblazer Soaring Creacion+35 Starquake Soaring Creacion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
15 Rifle 64px Trailblazer Rifle Ambicion+35 Starquake Rifle Ambicion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
15 Launcher 64px Trailblazer +35 Starquake +35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
15 Twin Machineguns 64px Trailblazer Ejecusion+35 Starquake Ejecusion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
15 Bow 64px Trailblazer Bow Obligacion+35 Starquake Bow Obligacion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Rod 64px Trailblazer Rod Salvacion+35 Starquake Rod Salvacion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
15 Talis 64px Trailblazer +35 Starquake +35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
15 Wand 64px Trailblazer Cane Aspiracion+35 Starquake Cane Aspiracion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
15 Jet Boots 64px Trailblazer Boot Benedicion+35 Starquake Boot Benedicion+35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
15 Harmonizer 64px Trailblazer Note Cancion +35 Starquake Note Cancion +35 x1
Founder’s Amphitrite x1
EX-Cube x400
Carries over only the equipment's Grind Summoner

Austere Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
10 Tool UIItemEX-Cube.png EX-Cube Daily ARKS mission (Lv. 51+)
Swap Shop
Title reward
NPC Gifts(One Time Only)
A special crystal given to those who seek strength. Material subject to barter.
7 Material UIItemAstracite.png Ares Phantacite Anga Phandaj Lv. 76+(both forms)
Dio Hyunal Lv. 76+
The Power of Photon Beasts stored in the form of a crystal. Used for trading at the Rare Stone Shop.
7 Material UIItemPromethit.png Promethit Desynthesize ★11 Units (Great Success)
Desynthesize ★12 Units
Mining Base Defense Drop
Recycle Shop
Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for rare units.
7 Material UIItemPurePhoton.png Pure Photon Seasonal Urgent Quests (XH) A pure photon crystal created rarely when using Photons in battle. Can be imbued with various properties.
12 Tool UIItemPhotonBooster.png Ultimate Booster Photon Shop
Ultimate Quest Boss Drop
By promoting other photons to enter the same state, this allows for a targeted energy level concentration.
Used for unlocking Ultimate Potentials.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
13 Back Unit UIItemOfzeterious.png Rear/Austehazara Back / Ofzeterious x1
Ares Phantacite x100
Promethit x50
Pure Photon x50
Ultimate Booster x30
Grind/Augments carry over HP+120
MEL +60
RNG +60
TEC +60
Dex +40
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +5%
Ice Resist +5%
Wind Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
13 Arm Unit UIItemOfzende.png Arm/Austerico Arms / Ofzende x1
Ares Phantacite x100
Promethit x50
Pure Photon x50
Ultimate Booster x30
Grind/Augments carry over HP+120
MEL +60
RNG +60
{TEC +60
Dex +40
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +5%
Ice Resist +5%
Wind Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
13 Leg Unit UIItemOfzetrogie.png Leg/Austerevel Legs / Ofzetrogie x1
Ares Phantacite x100
Promethit x50
Pure Photon x50
Ultimate Booster x30
Grind/Augments carry over HP+120
MEL +60
RNG +60
TEC +60
Dex +40
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +5%
Ice Resist +5%
Wind Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
12 Back Unit UIItemOfzeterious.png Back / Ofzeterious Back / Invelm x1
Nero Obsidiashard x50
Photon Booster x50
Grind/Augments carry over HP+70
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +5%
Ice Resist +5%
Wind Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
Set Bonus
12 Arm Unit UIItemOfzende.png Arms / Ofzende Arms / Invend
Nero Obsidiashard x50
Photon Booster x50
Grind/Augments carry over HP+70
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +4%
Ice Resist +5%
{Wind Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
Set Bonus
12 Leg Unit UIItemOfzetrogie.png Legs / Ofzetrogie Legs / Invereef x1
Nero Obsidiashard x50
Photon Booster x50
Grind/Augments carry over HP+70
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +4%
Ice Resist +5%
Wind Resist +5%
Light Resist +5%
Set Bonus


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
15 Sword UIItemOphistiaCalibur.png Ophistia Calibur+35 Invade Calibur+35 x1
Ares Sword+35 x1
Nemesis Calibur+35 x1
Raven Calibur+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
15 Wired Lance UIItemOphistiaWing.png Ophistia Wing+35 Invade Wing+35 x1
Ares Lance+35 x1
Nemesis Chain+35 x1
Raven Chain+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Partisan UIItemOphistiaSpear.png Ophistia Spear+35 Invade Spear+35 x1
Ares Partisan+35 x1
Nemesis Lance+35 x1
Raven Lance+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Daggers UIItemOphistiaFencers.png Ophistia Fencers+35 Invade Fencers+35 x1
Ares Kaiser+35 x1
Nemesis Daggers+35 x1
Raven Daggers+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Double Saber UIItemOphistiaEdge.png Ophistia Edge+35 Invade Edge+35 x1
Ares Edge+35 x1
Nemesis Saber+35 x1
Raven Saber+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Knuckles UIItemOphistiaFists.png Ophistia Fists+35 Invade Fists+35 x1
Ares Nest+35 x1
Nemesis Fist+35 x1
Raven Fist+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Gunblade UIItemOphistiaBuster.png Ophistia Buster+35 Invade Buster+35 x1
Ares Buster+35 x1
Nemesis Gunblade+35 x1
Raven Gunblade+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncerRangerGunnerBraverForceTechterSummonerHeroPhantomEtoileLuster
15 Katana UIItemOphistiaGalland.png Ophistia Galland+35 Invade Galland+35 x1
Ares Ryuuga+35 x1
Nemesis Cougar+35 x1
Raven Cougar+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Soaring Blades UIItemOphistiaSabers.png Ophistia Sabers+35 Invade Sabers+35 x1
Ares Blade+35 x1
Nemesis Dual+35 x1
Raven Dual+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
15 Rifle UIItemOphistiaShooter.png Ophistia Shooter+35 Invade Shooter+35 x1
Ares Rifle+35 x1
Nemesis Shooter+35 x1
Raven Shooter+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
15 Launcher UIItemOphistiaCannon.png Ophistia Cannon+35 Invade Cannon+35 x1
Ares Launcher+35 x1
Nemesis Cannon+35 x1
Raven Cannon+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
15 Twin Machineguns UIItemOphistiaRain.png Ophistia Rain+35 Invade Rain+35 x1
Ares Machineguns+35 x1
Nemesis Bullet+35 x1
Raven Bullet+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
15 Bow UIItemOphistiaBogen.png Ophistia Bogen+35 Invade Bogen+35 x1
Ares Bow+35 x1
Nemesis Feather+35 x1
Raven Feather+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Rod UIItemOphistiaSorcerer.png Ophistia Sorcerer+35 Invade Sorcerer's Rod+35 x1
Ares Rod+35 x1
Nemesis Sage+35 x1
Raven Sage+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
15 Talis UIItemOphistiaArm.png Ophistia Arm+35 Invade Arm+35 x1
Ares Talis+35 x1
Nemesis Symbol+35 x1
Raven Symbol+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
15 Wand UIItemOphistiaAxe.png Ophistia Axe+35 Invade Axe+35 x1
Ares Wand+35 x1
Nemesis Cross+35 x1
Raven Cross+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
15 Jet Boots UIItemOphistiaSlider.png Ophistia Slider+35 Invade Sliders+35 x1
Ares Boots+35 x1
Nemesis Shoes+35 x1
Raven Shoes+35 x1
Ex-Cube x400
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer

Liberate Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
5 Material UIItemNia.png Plamia Desynthesize ★14~15 Striking Weapons Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for Striking Weapons.
5 Material UIItemDest.png Plamdest Desynthesize ★14~15 Ranged Weapons Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for Ranged Weapons.
5 Material UIItemGrimo.png Plamgrimo Desynthesize ★14~15 Tech Weapons Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for Tech Weapons.
7 Material UIItemSaphard.png Diard Desynthesize ★15 Weapons
Divide Quests
Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for rare weapons.
5 Material UIItemBack.png Goldback Recycle Shop Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for rare units.
5 Material UIItemArms.png Goldiarms Recycle Shop Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for rare units.
5 Material UIItemLegs.png Goldialegs Recycle Shop Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for rare units.
7 Material UIItemPromethit.png Promethit Desynthesize ★11 Units (Great Success)
Desynthesize ★12 Units
Mining Base Defense Drop
Recycle Shop
Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for rare units.
7 Material UIItemPurePhoton.png Pure Photon Seasonal Urgent Quests A pure photon crystal created rarely when using Photons in battle. Can be imbued with various properties.
10 Tool UIItemEX-Cube.png EX-Cube Daily ARKS mission
Swap Shop
Dark Emperappy
Endless Battle: Eternal Rondo
Area Survey: Remnants of Other Worlds
Title reward(One Time Only)
NPC Gifts(One Time Only)
A special crystal given to those who seek strength. Material subject to barter.
10 Tool UIItemEX-Cube.png Class Excube Leveling up at level cap (Currently Lv. 90)
Endless Battle: Edge of Recollection
Endless Battle: Eternal Rondo
A special crystal given to those who seek strength. Material subject to barter.
15 Material 64px Liberate Unlocker Mission Pass ?? Reward
Title reward
The Guides of Creation (UH)
T:Destroyers of Light (UH)
A crypto-key that releases the limiter on the Novel series. It can fully unlock its potential to its maximum.
12 Tool UIItemPhotonBooster.png Ultimate Booster Photon Shop
Ultimate Quest Boss Drop
By promoting other photons to enter the same state, this allows for a targeted energy level concentration.
Used for unlocking Ultimate Potentials.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
13 Back Unit 64px Back / Liberate Full Back / Novel Full x1
Goldiarias x500
Promechit x50
Pure Photon x50
Ultimate Booster x30
Grind/Augments carry over HP+60
MEL +75
RNG +75
TEC +75
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +5%
TEC Resist +4%
13 Arm Unit 64px Arms / Liberate One Arms / Novel One x1
Goldiaams x500
Promechit x50
Pure Photon x50
Ultimate Booster x30
Grind/Augments carry over HP+60
MEL +75
RNG +75
TEC +75
MEL Resist +5%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +4%
13 Leg Unit 64px Legs / Liberate Mass Legs / Novel Mass x1
Goldialegs x500
Promechit x50
Pure Photon x50
Ultimate Booster x30
Grind/Augments carry over HP+60
MEL +75
RNG +75
TEC +75
MEL Resist +4%
RNG Resist +4%
TEC Resist +5%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
15 Sword 64px Atlas Farder X+35 Novel Sword +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Hu/Hr Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterHero
15 Wired Lance 64px Atlas Weisz+35 Novel Wired Lance +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Hu Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Partisan 64px Atlas Victo X+35 Novel Partisan +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Hu Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Hunter
15 Daggers 64px Atlas Loque X+35 Novel Dagger +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Fi Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Double Saber 64px Atlas Vire X+35 Novel Double Saber +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Fi Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Knuckles 64px Atlas Vadi X+35 Novel Knuckles +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Fi Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Fighter
15 Gunblade 64px Atlas Alz X+35 Novel Gunblade +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Any Class Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments HunterFighterBouncerRangerGunnerBraverForceTechterSummonerHeroPhantomEtoileLuster
15 Katana 64px Atlas Valua X+35 Novel Katana +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Br/Ph Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Soaring Blades 64px Atlas Slecht X+35 Novel Soaring Blade +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Bo Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
15 Rifle 64px Atlas Drache X+35 Novel Rifle +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamdest x500
Excube x500
Ra/Gu/Ph Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments RangerGunner
15 Launcher 64px Atlas Volare X+35 Novel Launcher +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamdest x500
Excube x500
Ra Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Ranger
15 Twin Machineguns 64px Atlas Radda X+35 Novel MachineGuns +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamdest x500
Excube x500
Gu/Hr Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments GunnerHero
15 Bow 64px Atlas Agria X+35 Novel Katana +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Br Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Braver
15 Rod 64px Atlas Zems X+35 Novel Rod +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamgrimo x500
Excube x500
Fo/Ph Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Force
15 Talis 64px Atlas Letra X+35 Novel Talis +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamgrimo x500
Excube x500
Fo/Te/Hr Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments ForceTechterHero
15 Wand 64px Atlas Eyth X+35 Novel Wand +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamgrimo x500
Excube x500
Te Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Techter
15 Jet Boots 64px Atlas Exocet X+35 Novel Jet Boots +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Bo Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Augments Bouncer
15 Harmonizer 64px Atlas Tahat X? +35 Novel Harmonizer +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Su Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over only the equipment's Grind Summoner


Rarity Type Image Name Price Augments Properties
13 Arm Unit UIItemKlauznum.png Arms / Klauznum Primordial Darkstone Deimos x50
Module / Shiva x20
Module / Varuna x25
Module / Mitra x25
Module / Execour x50
Affix Mastery III
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
MEL +60
RNG +60
TEC +60
MEL Resist +7%
RNG Resist +7%
TEC Resist +7%
Fire Resist +3
Ice Resist +3%
Lightning Resist +3%
Wind Resist +3%
Light Resist +5%