New Genesis: ARKS Records

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ARKS Records is a type of content available in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis. Within ARKS Records, players compete with other players on the same ship in set challenges during an event period for ranking rewards such as ARKS Record Badges.

The rankings of these challenges are determined by the scoring criteria of the event, which varies depending on the type of the event available. The hierarchy of the ranking is as follows: Gold, Silver, and Bronze, with Gold being the highest ranking available, and Bronze being the lowest ranking available. The Participation Rewards, which are distributed at the end of the event period, will depend on the player's final rank placement.

Some Challenge Records may have numerous "leaderboards" associated with the event, allowing for players to earn numerous rewards from each leaderboard. As an example, the Geometric Labryinth: Solo Event has 9 individual leaderboards for each individual class.

Unless otherwise specified, Alliance Task Records will reset on a weekly basis, with the placement rewards distributed at the end of every event period.

Random Challenge Records

The Random Challenge Records change on a weekly basis, with upcoming challenges being announced during the NGS Headline Streams monthly. You can also view the upcoming week's challenge by checking the "Upcoming Events" tab in the Random Challenge Records menu. The rewards for these are set to be the same every week.

Occasionally, there may be class-specific challenges that show up alongside an all-class challenge, mainly when there's been a class rework.

Score Type Sort by Ships: Score Record by Class
Event Duration Weekly
Details Clear the designated [Race/Quest] [By Yourself/In a Party]
Participation Rewards
NGSUIGoldRankIcon.png Gold NGS Tool Icon ARKS Record Badge x40
NGSUISilverRankIcon.png Silver NGS Tool Icon ARKS Record Badge x30
NGSUIBronzeRankIcon.png Bronze NGS Tool Icon ARKS Record Badge x20

Alliance Task Records

Alliance Tasks are scored based on the amount of Alliance Tasks that an alliance has completed collectively. At the start of an Alliance Task Record period, the Alliances are listed on a scoreboard by placement and are ranked based on their score.

Score Type Sort by Ships: Score Record for All Classes
Event Duration Weekly
Details You can receive better rewards by completing more Alliance Tasks with your Alliance members. In order to receive rewards, you must complete at least 3 Alliance Tasks and be a member of an Alliance when the final scores are tallied.
Participation Rewards
NGSUIGoldRankIcon.png Gold NGS Tool Icon Beta Reactor x5
NGSUISilverRankIcon.png Silver NGS Tool Icon Beta Reactor x3
NGSUIBronzeRankIcon.png Bronze NGS Tool Icon Beta Reactor x1
Placement Rankings
NGSUIGoldRankIcon.png Gold Placement #1
NGSUISilverRankIcon.png Silver Placement #2 - #10
NGSUIBronzeRankIcon.png Bronze Placement #10 >