Xien no Kochou

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Sword Swords Wired Lance Wired Lances Partisan Partisans Daggers Twin Daggers Double Saber Double Sabers Knuckles Knuckles Katana Katanas Soaring Blades Soaring Blades Gunblade Gunblades
Rifle Assault Rifles Launcher Launchers Twin Machineguns Twin Machine Guns Bow Bows
Rod Rods Talis Talises Wand Wands Jet Boots Jet Boots Harmonizer Harmonizers
Xien no Kochou
Rarity: UIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarRainbowIcon.pngUIStarRainbowIcon.png
Req: 730 TEC
Type: Talis
Classes: Force Techter Hero
Augment Factor
Augment Factor Phrase Weak
Supported S-Grade Augment Slots
S Grade Augment 1S Grade Augment 2S Grade Augment 3
Oath of Violet Flame
Lv. 1
Increase damage by 3%. Increase damage by an additional 11% when attacking an enemy's elemental weakness. Casts Deband on yourself at regular intervals.
Lv. 2
Increase damage by 4%. Increase damage by an additional 12% when attacking an enemy's elemental weakness. Casts Deband on yourself at regular intervals.
Lv. 3
Increase damage by 5%. Increase damage by an additional 13% when attacking an enemy's elemental weakness. Casts Deband on yourself at regular intervals.

Drop Info

Can be acquired at Zig Permit Exchange Shop by exchanging the following items.

Additional Info

This weapon's Potential has the following effects:

  • Increases damage when attacking elemental weakpoints.
    • The additional damage stacks multiplicatively.
      • Level 3 Potential: (100 x 1.05 x 1.13 = 118.65), the damage increases by 18.65%.
  • Activates 1 tick of Deband (15 second duration) roughly every 14 seconds.
    • The currently learned level of Deband is applied
    • Any skills that benefits Deband is also applied.

14 Xien Series
Sword Xien no Ohdachi

Wired Lance Xien no Tesshin
Partisan Xien no Onitoshi
Daggers Xien no Hinotsuchi
Double Saber Xien no Joukasen
Knuckles Xien no Tekken
Katana Xien no Benirenge
Soaring Blades Xien no Yamakage
Gunblade Xien no Fushichou
Rifle Xien no Toshi
Launcher Xien no Enrin
Twin Machineguns Xien no Samidare
Bow Xien no Senka
Rod Xien no Kashaku
Talis Xien no Kochou
Wand Xien no Tomoshibi
Jet Boots Xien no Souyoku

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