PSO2: Mission Pass Archive

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The lastest Mission Pass can be viewed on this page. Older Mission Passes can be viewed by clicking on the [Expand] prompt.
Alternatively you can visit Previous NGS Mission Passes with this link.

Season 1 (March 17th, 2020 to April 14th, 2020)

Tier Preview Normal Rewards Preview Gold Rewards
1 Bunny Eared Ribbon A.png Bunny Eared Ribbon B.png Bunny Eared Ribbon C.png UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIEnemyUnknown.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIEnemyUnknown.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Bunny-Eared Ribbon A x1, Bunny-Eared Ribbon B x1
Bunny-Eared Ribbon C x1, Half Scape Doll x2
+ 1 other
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2,
Half Scape Doll x2, + 1 other
2 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge x3 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge x5
3 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1
Grinder x5
4 UIItemRoseSaber.png * Rose Saber UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x3
5 Belga Head.png Belga Body.png Belga Arms.png Belga Legs.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIEnemyUnknown.png
UIItemPhotonSphere.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIEnemyUnknown.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Belga Head, Belga Body, Belga Arms, Belga Legs,
EX-Cube x1, +1 other
[Group 2]
Photon Sphere x3, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube x1,
+ 1 Other
6 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 Chin Beauty Mark A.png Chin Beauty Mark B.png UIItemStarGem.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemStarGem.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Chin Beauty Mark A x1, Chin Beauty Mark B x1
SG 5 Ticket x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
7 UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
8 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Zamlord.png Zamlord Guards.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Zamlord, Zamlord Guards, Mission Badge x10
[Group 2]
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x12
9 UIItemAugmentationAid2.png Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge x3 Nadine Head.png Nadine Body.png Nadine Arms.png Nadine Legs.png UIEnemyUnknown.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemPass.png UIEnemyUnknown.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Nadine Head, Nadine Body, Nadine Arms,
Nadine Legs, + 2 others
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2,
Salon Free Pass, + 1 other
11 UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 UIItemRappyPlate.png Rappy Plate UIItemTriboost50%.png Photon Wings.png Photon Wings B.png Triboost +50% x3, Photon Wings, Photon Wings B
13 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
14 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5
15 UIItemMeleeCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemRangedCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemTechniqueCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube,
Photon Sphere x3
[Group 2]
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube,
Photon Sphere x3
[Group 3]
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube,
Photon Sphere x3
16 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10
17 UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge x3 Zelsius.png Rough Pigtails GV.png Zelsius Headgear.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Zelsius, Rough Pigtails GV, Zelsius Headgear,
Rising Weapons Badge x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2,
Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 UIItemAugmentationAid2.png Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
20 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% UIItemKagiyaTsuzumi.png UIItemPass.png UIItemTriboost50%.png * Summer Festival Bow, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5
23 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
24 UIItemTicket.png 136: Air Guitar UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10
25 UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png EX-Cube,
Photon Sphere x3
26 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge x3 UIItemSevenLillipan.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
* Seven Lillipan, Rising Weapons Badge x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2,
Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 Heretic Lord.png UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Heretic Lord, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% Candy Crown.png Candy Headgear.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Candy Crown, Candy Headgear, Triboost +50% x3
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 Joker Head.png Joker Body.png Joker Arms.png Joker Legs.png UIItemAugmentationAid2.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemAugmentationAid2.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Joker Head, Joker Body, Joker Arms,
Joker Legs, Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
30 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Lamia Head.png Lamia Body.png Lamia Arms.png Lamia Legs.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Lamia Head, Lamia Body, Lamia Arms,
Lamia Legs
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 UIItemExperienceEarned150.png EXP Earned +100% x3 Zamlord.png Zamlord Guards.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Zelsius.png Rough Pigtails GV.png Zelsius Headgear.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Nadine Head.png Nadine Body.png Nadine Arms.png Nadine Legs.png
Belga Head.png Belga Body.png Belga Arms.png Belga Legs.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Zamlord, Zamlord Guards, Mission Badge x2
[Group 2]
Zelsius, Rough Pigtails GV, Zelsius Headgear, Mission Badge x1
[Group 3]
Nadine Head, Nadine Body, Nadine Arms, Nadine Legs
[Group 4]
Belga Head, Belga Body, Belga Arms, Belga Legs
32 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 Chin Beauty Mark A.png Chin Beauty Mark B.png UIItemStarGem.png UIItemPass.png
Photon Wings.png Photon Wings B.png UIItemStarGem.png UIItemPass.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Chin Beauty Mark A x1, Chin Beauty Mark B x1, SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
[Group 2]
Photon Wings, Photon Wings B, SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x3 UIItemMeleeCapsule.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Affix Augment (Melee)
[Group 2]
Affix Augment (Ranged)
[Group 3]
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Bunny Eared Ribbon A.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
Bunny Eared Ribbon B.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
Bunny Eared Ribbon C.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Bunny-Eared Ribbon A x1, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
[Group 2]
Bunny-Eared Ribbon B x1, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
[Group 3]
Bunny-Eared Ribbon C x1, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
35 UIItemRDRBoost3.png Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Heretic Lord.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Candy Crown.png Candy Headgear.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Joker Head.png Joker Body.png Joker Arms.png Joker Legs.png
Lamia Head.png Lamia Body.png Lamia Arms.png Lamia Legs.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Heretic Lord, Mission Badge x3
[Group 2]
Candy Crown, Candy Headgear, Mission Badge x3
[Group 3]
Joker Head, Joker Body, Joker Arms, Joker Legs
[Group 4]
Lamia Head, Lamia Body, Lamia Arms, Lamia Legs