Swap Shop

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Swap Shop

Rarity Image Name Item(s) Needed for Exchange Description
10 UIItemEX-Cube.png EX-Cube x1 10 Weapon x1 or
11 Weapon x1
A unique crystalline substance that grants more strength to those who seek it. It can be exchanged for many things.
6 UIItemPhotonSphere.png Photon Sphere x1 10 Weapon x1 A large, beautiful photon crystal. Crystallized photons are rare and can be exchanged for many things.
6 UIItemPhotonSphere.png Photon Sphere x1 10 Units x5 or
11 Units x5
A large, beautiful photon crystal. Crystallized photons are rare and can be exchanged for many things.
7 UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1 10 Eggs x10 or
11 Eggs x10
Material used to enhance weapons and armor. Enhancing equipment can increase performance beyond its original limit.
7 UIItemRecycleBadge.png Recycle Badge x1 AC Scratch Ticket x1 A badge equivalent to an AC Scratch Ticket item that can be exchanged in the Swap Shop.
5 UIItemPass.png Color-Change Pass x1 AC Scratch Ticket x14 A pass for changing the color of outfits. Allows the user to change their outfit color at the salon. The pass is consumed upon use.
1 UIItemGunblade.png EXP Weapon x1 AC Scratch Ticket x8 An item that when used as fodder in enhancing gives +800 EXP to the weapon being enhanced.
5 UIItemAugmentInsurace.png Augments Insurance (Max 4 Slots) x1 AC Scratch Ticket x10 When Affix Augment fails, material items and the item to be Augmented will be returned. Target: List of Augments to Affix is 4 slot or less.
5 UIItemPass.png Mag Form Change Pass x1 AC Scratch Ticket x1 A pass for changing the form of a Mag. Allows the user to select a Mag form from the registered forms list. The pass is consumed upon use.
5 UIItemTicket.png Order Acceptance Cooldown Reset x1 AC Scratch Ticket x12 A ticket that resets reacceptance time for all Client Orders, allowing you to reaccept them.
6 UIItemGrinder.png Grinder x30 10 Weapon x1 Material used to enhance weapons and armor. Enhancing equipment can increase performance beyond its original limit.
6 UIItemGrinder.png Grinder x30 10 Units x5 Material used to enhance weapons and armor. Enhancing equipment can increase performance beyond its original limit.
7 UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1 12 Weapon x3 Material used to enhance weapons and armor. Enhancing equipment can increase performance beyond its original limit.
10 UIItemEX-Cube.png EX-Cube x2 Class EX-Cube x1 A unique crystalline substance that grants more strength to those who seek it. It can be exchanged for many things.
WARNING!! Do NOT swap for these save your Class EX-Cubes for future updates.
6 UIItemPhotonSphere.png Photon Sphere x1 12 Egg x1 A large, beautiful photon crystal. Crystallized photons are rare and can be exchanged for many things.
10 UIItemWeaponTransmutationPass.png Weapon Transmutation Change Pass x1 Weapon Transmutation Aux Pass x150 A pass to use the Weapon Transmutation function. Allows you to change the form of a weapon in the Item Lab. A pass is consumed every time you use this function.