The Dragons' Malady

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The Dragon's Malady
Quest Type: Story Story Quests
Quest Class: UISoloParty.png Solo Quests
Description: Deep in the Volcanic Caves, lives the Draconian Hi'Roga, who has lost his senses due to the effects of Falspawn corruption. The Draconian youth, Hi'En, failed to reach his elder and Aki has pledged that ARKS will offer whatever assistance it can to help.
Difficulty and Level: Casual: 4-14
Hardcore: 14-75
Rewards Aki's Partner Card
Wright's Partner Card


The following enemies appear during the quest:

Story Information

Story Dialogue


Hi'En stands before Hi'Roga

Hi'En: (Lord Roga!) (Calm yourself!) (Why rage?) (Why fight?) (Answer me!) (Lord Roga!)
Hi'Roga: (Grrroooaaar!)

Hi'Roga shoots fire

Hi'En: (Gah...) (Lord Roga...) (Why...!?)
Wright: D-Draconians battling each other? Are they having a row?
Aki: I can't deny that possibility, but based on what they're saying, that doesn't seem to be the case. Now, then...

Aki takes a couple steps forward

Wright: Huh? Wai- Professor? You're not going to get involved, are you!?
Aki: It's useless to reason with him, Draconian. He's been corrupted by Falspawn and isn't in his right mind.
Hi'En: (ARKS...?) (I haven't the time for you.) (Depart!)
Wright: See? Let's do as he says and get out of here! It's dangerous!
Aki: That's enough out of you, Wright. Be quiet.
Aki: Now, Draconian. You may say that, but what exactly do you intend to do about the problem before you?
Hi'En: (Lord Roga of the Hi clan.) (Our guide.) (However...) (He corrupts our fellows.) (Horrendous.) (Violation of our laws.)
Hi'En: (Those who break laws.) (Returned to Kasheena.)
Aki: Kasheena... The Hell dragon spoken of in Draconian myth, correct? I see. So I understand you'll kill him.
Hi'En: (Clever ARKS...) (What are you thinking?)
Aki: I'm saying to let us handle it. Forsaking a living being is a waste. I won't allow it.

Aki turns to [PLAYER NAME]

Aki: Listen up.
Aki: If we suppress that Draconian with the power of photons, we might make it in time. We might be able to save him.
Aki: I can't guarantee it, but...there's value in trying, at least.

Hi'Roga roars and the fight begins

Emergency Trial Suppress Hi'Roga

[PLAYER NAME] jumps on top of Hi'Roga and purifies them, then jumps off

Hi'Roga: (Gah...) (What...?)
Hi'En: (Lord Roga!) (You have regained your senses!?)
Aki: Our gamble paid off, and just in the nick of time. We must credit the resilience of the Draconian constitution.
Hi'En: (Clever ARKS...) (What did you do?)
Aki: It's simple, Draconian. Photons reduced the Falspawn tissue within.
Aki: Of course, the real credit goes to this one, not me.
Aki: We can't do much about his wounds, but Draconians recover quickly enough. It should heal in time.
Hi'En: (Is this an ARKS power?)
Aki: Hold, Draconian. It's too early to be relaxing just yet. This is only the beginning.
Aki: Before long, more Draconians will deteriorate the same way.
Hi'En: (What) (do you seek from us?)
Aki: Conversation. Draconians and ARKS need to start up a dialogue.
Hi'En: (............)
Hi'En: (My name) (is En of Hi.) (I ask your names.) (ARKS.)
Aki: My name is Aki, and this is my assistant, Wright.

[PLAYER NAME] says their name

Hi'En: (Child of ARKS) (I apologize for the rudeness.) (And...) (I express gratitude.)
Hi'En: (The power to save Lord Roga.) (I will not forget this debt.)