Unique Weapons Badge Shop

From Arks-Visiphone
Revision as of 05:42, 2 October 2020 by Jared Dejicai (talk | contribs) (added Invade, Nemesis & Raven series)
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Unique Weapons Badge Exchange

This shop can be found by going upstairs in the Shopping Plaza and talking to Nanon.


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
8 Tool UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Unique Weapons Badge Rappy (Lv. 1+)
Urgent Quests (N+) area drop
Advanced Quests area drop
A golden badge obtained from a rare enemy. Presenting it allows you to exchange for a variety of items.


Rarity Icon Image Name Price Description
7 Tool UIItemWeaponoidBooster.png Weaponoid Booster Unique Weapons Badge x10 A photon crystal in an excited state. It influences Special Weapon photons to generate photon excitation in them.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword UIItemInvadeCalibur.png Invade Calibur Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wired Lance UIItemInvadeWing.png Invade Wing Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Partisan UIItemInvadeSpear.png Invade Spear Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Daggers UIItemInvadeFencers.png Invade Fencers Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Double Saber UIItemInvadeEdge.png Invade Edge Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Knuckles UIItemInvadeFists.png Invade Fists Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Gunblade UIItemInvadeBuster.png Invade Buster Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Katana UIItemInvadeGalland.png Invade Galland Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Soaring Blades UIItemInvadeSabers.png Invade Sabers Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rifle UIItemInvadeShooter.png Invade Shooter Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Launcher UIItemInvadeCannon.png Invade Cannon Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemInvadeRain.png Invade Rain Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Bow UIItemInvadeBogen.png Invade Bogen Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod UIItemInvadeSorcerersRod.png Invade Socerer's Rod Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Talis UIItemInvadeArm.png Invade Arm Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wand UIItemInvadeAxe.png Invade Axe Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Jet Boots UIItemInvadeSliders.png Invade Sliders Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Sword UIItemNemesisCalibur.png Nemesis Calibur Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wired Lance UIItemNemesisChain.png Nemesis Chain Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Partisan UIItemNemesisLance.png Nemesis Lance Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Daggers UIItemNemesisDaggers.png Nemesis Daggers Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Double Saber UIItemNemesisSaber.png Nemesis Saber Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Knuckles UIItemNemesisFists.png Nemesis Fists Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Gunblade UIItemNemesisGunblade.png Nemesis Gunblade Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Katana UIItemNemesisCougar.png Nemesis Cougar Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Soaring Blades UIItemNemesisDual.png Nemesis Dual Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rifle UIItemNemesisShooter.png Nemesis Shooter Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Launcher UIItemNemesisCannon.png Nemesis Cannon Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemNemesisBullet.png Nemesis Bullet Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Bow UIItemNemesisFeather.png Nemesis Feather Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod UIItemNemesisSage.png Nemesis Sage Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Talis UIItemNemesisSymbol.png Nemesis Symbol Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wand UIItemNemesisCross.png Nemesis Cross Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Jet Boots UIItemNemesisShoes.png Nemesis Shoes Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Harmonizer UIItemNemesisBarl.png Nemesis Barl Unique Weapons Badge x400 None Summoner
13 Sword UIItemRavenCalibur.png Raven Calibur Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wired Lance UIItemRavenChain.png Raven Chain Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Partisan UIItemRavenLance.png Raven Lance Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Daggers UIItemRavenDaggers.png Raven Daggers Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Double Saber UIItemRavenSaber.png Raven Saber Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Knuckles UIItemRavenFists.png Raven Fists Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Gunblade UIItemRavenGunblade.png Raven Gunblade Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Katana UIItemRavenCougar.png Raven Cougar Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Soaring Blades UIItemRavenDual.png Raven Dual Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rifle UIItemRavenShooter.png Raven Shooter Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Launcher UIItemRavenCannon.png Raven Cannon Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemRavenBullet.png Raven Bullet Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Bow UIItemRavenFeather.png Raven Feather Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod UIItemRavenSage.png Raven Sage Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Talis UIItemRavenSymbol.png Raven Symbol Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wand UIItemRavenCross.png Raven Cross Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Jet Boots UIItemRavenShoes.png Raven Shoes Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Harmonizer UIItemRavenBarl.png Raven Barl Unique Weapons Badge x400 None Summoner
13 Sword UIItemLightningEspada.png Lightning Espada Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Partisan UIItemImperialPick.png Imperial Pick Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Partisan UIItemBluesyRequiem.png Bluesy Requiem Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Partisan UIItemBardiche.png Bardiche Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Daggers UIItemTwinKamuy.png Twin Kamuy Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Daggers UIItemLavisBlades.png Lavis Blades Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Daggers UIItemArksFran.png Arks Fran Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Double Saber 64px Meteor Staff Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Knuckles UIItemDivineFists.png Divine Fists Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rifle UIItemAstralRiser.png Astral Riser Unique Weapons Badges x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rifle UIItemAvenger.png Avenger Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rifle UIItemYasminokov7000V.png Yasminokov 7V Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Launcher UIItemShootingDrive.png Shooting Drive Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemH10MissouriTwin.png H10 Missouri Twin Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod UIItemClaritaVisus.png Clarita Visus Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod UIItemWeddlePark.png Weddle Park Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod UIItemGravilios.png Gravilios Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod UIItemCaduceus.png Caduceus Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Katana UIItemYamigarasu.png Yamigarasu Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Katana UIItemYasha.png Yasha Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Bow UIItemRikauteri.png Rikauteri Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III
13 Soaring Blades UIItemMilioBright.png Milio Bright Unique Weapons Badge x400 Light 20
Affix Vinculum
Affix Stamina III
Affix Spirit III