New Genesis: Card Sleeves

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Line Strike Line Strike
NGS Ticket Icon Card List NGS Ticket Icon Sleeves NGS Ticket Icon Mats

List of Line Strike Card Sleeves

Preview Name Availability Marketable Implementation Date Notes
SV Basic A.png SV: Basic A Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV Basic B.png SV: Basic B Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV Fancy Rappy.png SV: Fancy Rappy Recycle Shop Recycle Line Strike Cards UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV Lillipan.png SV: Lillipan Recycle Shop Recycle Line Strike Cards UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV Aina NGS 1st Anniversary.png SV: Aina - NGS 1st Anniversary Recycle Shop Recycle Line Strike Cards UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV Manon NGS 1st Anniversary.png SV: Manon - NGS 1st Anniversary Recycle Shop Recycle Line Strike Cards UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV Kanui NGS 2nd Anniversary.png SV: Kanui - NGS 2nd Anniversary Recycle Shop Recycle Line Strike Cards UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV Meri NGS 2nd Anniversary.png SV: Meri - NGS 2nd Anniversary Recycle Shop Recycle Line Strike Cards UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV Nadereh NGS 2nd Anniversary.png SV: Nadereh - NGS 2nd Anniversary Recycle Shop Recycle Line Strike Cards UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV PSO EP3.png SV: PSO EP3 Recycle Shop Recycle Line Strike Cards UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV PSO2 TCG.png SV: PSO2 TCG Recycle Shop Recycle Line Strike Cards UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV Glen Ink Painting.png SV: Glen - Ink Painting Recycle Shop Recycle Line Strike Cards UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24
SV Super Phantasy Festival.png SV: Super Phantasy Festival AC (NGS) LS: Standard Deck - Wind & Lightning UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/10/24